[] Move BOMs to the Server Repository
This proposal specifies the move of BOMs to the Server Repository, for both WildFly and JBoss EAP, which should prevent recurrent synchronization issues (e.g. WFLY-18043, WFLY-18155, WFLY-17879), and simplify maintenance and the WildFly/EAP release processes.
Issue Metadata
Related Issues
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Testing By
Affected Projects or Components
Other Interested Projects
Relevant Installation Types
[] Bootable jar (local and cloud deployment)
[] OpenShift S2I
Hard Requirements
The BOMs sources should be moved to the Server repository, and placed in a new /boms/user directory. The BOMs sources repository history should be included in such move.
Any dependency on the BOMs source repository should be updated to depend instead on the directory /boms/user in the Server’s source repository:
WildFly Quickstarts GitHub Actions CI
The following repositories should be archived after the first related Server release includes the BOMs sources:
Nice-to-Have Requirements
Test Plan
The BOMs Maven modules will be added to the server’s Maven Project, and thus the BOMs building will be tested along any Server’s build test. identify and
Community Documentation
No community documentation reference to the BOMs source repository exists, requiring an update.
Release Note Content
The sources for WildFly/JBoss EAP BOMs builder are now included with the server sources, and may be found in the /boms/user directory.