[]  Use Galleon for the WildFly and WildFly Core build

In  core wf-galleon
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The Galleon tool is a powerful new tool for doing platform independent provisioning and updating of a software installation. The overall Galleon project consists of core tooling (https://github.com/wildfly/galleon) that isn’t specific to provisioning any particular kind of software, and then plugin s(https://github.com/wildfly/galleon-plugins) that allow the tool to deal with particular types of software, e.g. WildFly.

The WildFly project intends to use Galleon for its provisioning needs. This initial proposal is for a very limited use of Galleon — using it produce the 'thin' and 'fat' distribution zips that are part of a WildFly Core and WildFly release.

This initial work is not really a feature, it is an internal detail of the builds.

Issue Metadata


Dev Contacts

  • mailto:alexey.loubyansky@redhat.com

QE Contacts

  • mailto:msimka@redhat.com

Affected Projects or Components

  • WildFly

  • WildFly Core

  • EAP Installer

Other Interested Projects

  • WildFly Swarm

  • Teiid

  • Keycloak

  • Infinispan


Hard Requirements

  • Produce a 'core' Galleon feature pack as part of the default WildFly Core maven build.

  • Use that 'core' feature pack to produce a 'thin' core distribution as part of the default WildFly Core maven build.

    • This distribution should be produced in the 'build' maven module and should have the org.wildfly.core:wildly-core-build maven groupId and artifactId. This is the traditional location and maven GA for our 'thin' core distribution.

  • Use that 'core' feature pack to produce a 'fat' core distribution as part of the default WildFly Core maven build.

    • This distribution should be produced in the 'dist' maven module and should have the org.wildfly.core:wildly-core-dist maven groupId and artifactId. This is the traditional location and maven GA for our 'thin' core distribution.

  • Produce a 'servlet' Galleon feature pack as part of the default WildFly maven build.

    • This feature pack will depend on the 'core' feature pack.

  • Use that 'servlet' feature pack to produce a 'thin' servlet distribution as part of the default WildFly maven build.

    • This distribution should be produced in the 'servlet-build' maven module and should have the org.wildfly:wildly-servlet-build maven groupId and artifactId. This is the traditional location and maven GA for our 'thin' servlet distribution.

  • Use that 'servlet' feature pack to produce a 'fat' servlet distribution as part of the default WildFly maven build.

    • This distribution should be produced in the 'servlet-dist' maven module and should have the org.wildfly:wildly-servlet-dist maven groupId and artifactId. This is the traditional location and maven GA for our 'thin' servlet distribution.

  • Produce a 'full' Galleon feature pack as part of the default WildFly maven build.

    • This feature pack will depend on the 'servlet' feature pack.

  • Use that 'full' feature pack to produce a 'thin' distribution as part of the default WildFly maven build.

    • This distribution should be produced from the 'build' maven module and should have the org.wildfly:wildly-build maven groupId and artifactId. This is the traditional location and maven GA for our 'thin' distribution.

  • Use that 'full' feature pack to produce a 'fat' distribution as part of the default WildFly maven build.

    • This distribution should be produced from the 'dist' maven module and should have the org.wildfly:wildly-dist maven groupId and artifactId. This is the traditional location and maven GA for our 'thin' distribution.

  • The default WildFly Core maven build should continue to use the legacy org.wildfly.build:wildfly-feature-pack-build-maven-plugin to produce a 'legacy core feature pack'. The maven module for this should be the 'core-feature-pack' module, and its maven coordinate should be the same org.wildfly.core:wildfly-core-feature-pack used in previous releases.

  • The default WildFly maven build should continue to use the legacy org.wildfly.build:wildfly-feature-pack-build-maven-plugin to produce a 'legacy servlet feature pack'. The maven module for this should be the 'servlet-feature-pack' module, and its maven coordinate should be the same org.wildfly:wildfly-servlet-feature-pack used in previous releases.

  • The default WildFly Core maven build should continue to use the legacy org.wildfly.build:wildfly-feature-pack-build-maven-plugin to produce a 'legacy full feature pack'. The maven module for this should be the 'feature-pack' module, and its maven coordinate should be the same org.wildfly:wildfly-feature-pack used in previous releases.

  • These legacy feature packs should be produced in such a way that their output would be acceptable for release as the primary build output if this shift to Galleon had not occurred. In other words, these legacy feature packs should be usable by users who are accustomed to consuming our feature packs.

  • The WildFly Core maven build should include a profile that builds new maven modules that produce 'legacy thin and fat distributions' using the legacy org.wildfly.build:wildfly-server-provisioning-maven-plugin. These will use the 'legacy core feature pack' discussed previously.

    • This maven profile should not run by default.

  • The WildFly maven build should include a profile that builds new maven modules that produce 'legacy servlet and full thin and fat distributions' using the legacy org.wildfly.build:wildfly-server-provisioning-maven-plugin. These will use the 'legacy servlet feature pack' and 'legacy full feature pack' discussed previously.

    • This maven profile should not run by default.

  • These legacy distributions should be produced in such a way that their output, except for their maven GAVs, would be acceptable for release as the primary build output if this shift to Galleon had not occurred. In other words, these distributions should provide a valid base for comparison to the output of the Galleon build.

    • The only purpose of these legacy distributions is to facilitate such comparisons.

  • The content of the Galleon-produced distributions should functionally match the output of the legacy distributions, with only minimal minor cosmetic differences.

  • Special distributions of the server that are produced inside the WildFly Core and WildFly testsuites should be produced by Galleon, not by legacy tooling.

    • Copying of distribution content produced in other modules of the build into the needed testsuite locations is acceptable; i.e. there is no requirement that all test distributions be built using Galleon, just as there was no requirement in the past to use the legacy server-provisioning plugin in all places.

Nice-to-Have Requirements



  • Support for any use of the Galleon tooling outside of the maven build steps described in this document.

  • Long term support for the initial content details of the Galleon feature packs. The initial version of these feature packs should be regarded as 'Tech Preview', i.e. subject to change in the next WildFly release if we discover the need to correct things after this initial use. The intent though is to produce feature packs external parties can look at to learn about how WildFly+Galleon will work and to start planning how their own software can be based on our feature packs.

  • Publication of legacy 'thin' and 'fat' distributions to public maven repositories. These are only meant for testing use to verify the Galleon output against the current mechanism output; they are not meant for other consumption. Publishing these is actually an anti-requirement.

  • Absolutely identical output content of a thin or fat distribution produced using the legacy tooling and one produced using Galleon. The two are meant to be very, very similar but minor differences that do not affect functionality are acceptable. The intent though is to minimize these.

  • The exact same "conceptual" content between a legacy feature pack and its Galleon replacement (i.e. what functionality the pack is meant to provide). There may be slight differences.

  • Any similarity at all in terms of the structure or content details of the legacy and Galleon feature packs.

  • Indefinite production of legacy feature packs in future releases. At some point the intent is to drop these.

  • Indefinite production of legacy distributions in future releases. At some point the goal of proving the correctness of the Galleon build will be considered fulfilled and maintaining the legacy distribution builds will not be needed.

Test Plan

  • The content of the Galleon-produced distributions should be compared to the output of the legacy distributions in order to confirm that there are only minor cosmetic differences.

  • Where distributions produced by the WildFly Core and WildFly testsuites are created by Galleon this further confirms that Galleon produces output consistent with what the testsuite expects.