[]  Add a Galleon Layer for the Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile

In  ee wf-galleon
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One of the driving factors behind Red Hat’s participation in Jakarta EE 10 was our interest in a new, lighter weight “Core Profile” that is better suited to cloud native applications and microservices.

The Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile does not introduce any new specifications (other than the profile itself); rather it defines a subset of the full set of Jakarta EE specifications and a TCK for validating an implementation of that subset. It does not restrict implementations from shipping additional functionality (EE or otherwise) in their core profile implementation. This is all very similar to the Jakarta EE Web Profile that was introduced many years ago.

This RFE is intended to cover how WildFly will present the core profile to its end users. This will consist of two key aspects:

  1. A supported Galleon layer or combination of layers that allows the user to produce a slimmed installation that provides standard core WildFly server functionality (Elytron, logging etc) along with the Jakarta EE APIs that comprise the Jakarta EE Core Profile.

  2. Example configurations in the full server installation that match what would be produced by the Galleon slimming from #1.

Issue Metadata


QE Contacts

Testing By

  • Engineering

  • QE

Affected Projects or Components

  • RESTEasy

  • Weld

Other Interested Projects

Relevant Installation Types

  • Traditional standalone server (unzipped or provisioned by Galleon)

  • Managed domain

  • OpenShift s2i

  • Bootable jar

Managed domain is not checked above, because layer based provisioning is not relevant to domain mode, and there is no plan to add new WildFly configuration profiles to the standard domain.xml for Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile or to create an example domain.xml with such a profile. So there is nothing about this RFE that is directly relevant to domain mode. However, users could easily enough create such a profile on their own based on the example standalone configurations. This would be supported the same as any customized domain.xml profile is.


Hard Requirements

  1. Slimmed server provisioning

    1. Conceptually/technically, a compliant Jakarta EE 10 Core profile server can be provisioned by specifying the following Galleon layers:

      • core-server

      • cdi

      • jaxrs

      • TODO validate no others are required

    2. There are two options we can choose from for how we wish to support customer provisioning of a Core Profile server. In terms of the actual implementation there is little difference in effort between them.

      • Create a new [ee-]core-profile-server “base layer” that basically just aggregates the needed layers. So an additional base layer beyond datasources-web-server, jaxrs-server and cloud-server

        • PROS:

          • Simple to document and use

          • All existing supported decorator layers can be used with this base layer

        • CONS:

          • A new layer whose long term content is somewhat dictated by Jakarta. Possible future disconnect between what Jakarta defines as Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile and what we want to provide.

          • All existing supported decorator layers can be used with this base layer (possible testing cost.)

      • Create a new category of layers besides “base” and “decorator” and create an [ee-]core-profile-server as the sole layer in this category. Layers in this category cannot have decorators applied.

        • PROS:

          • All existing supported decorator layers can be used with this base layer

        • CONS:

          • A new layer whose long term content is somewhat dictated by Jakarta. Possible future disconnect between what Jakarta defines as EE 10 Core Profile and what we want to provide.

          • Another concept in the already confusing story about what layers WildFly supports in which contexts.

    3. Adding either the web-passivation or the web-clustering decorator layers will be supported.

      • For sure web-clustering, as that allows an HA variant

      • TODO should web-passivation be an optional part of [ee-]core-profile-server?

    4. The cloud settings provided by the bootable jar will work correctly when the core profile layers are used.

    5. S2i behavior in the cloud feature pack will work correctly when the core profile layers are used

  2. Example configurations

    1. Add a docs/examples/standalone-ee-core.xml file the contents of which match what would be generated using the layers listed in item 1.a.

    2. Add a docs/examples/standalone-ee-core-ha.xml file the contents of which match what would be generated using the layers listed in item 1.a, plus the web-clustering layer.

  3. Certification at Jakarta

    1. Run the TCK using docs/examples/standalone-ee-core.xml and use the results to formally certify EE 10 Core Profile compatibility.

      • Run and certify with both SE 11 and 17

Nice-to-Have Requirements

  • Add an ee-concurrency layer (not necessarily supported) and exclude it when defining any [ee-]core-profile-server base layer.

    • This will likely be difficult to accomplish in time.


  • Addition of new profiles in the standard domain.xml.

  • Exclusion of the undertow subsystem and its servlet container from the supported [ee-]core-profile layer or from the example configuration files. Neither the Jakarta RESTFul WebServices spec nor the EE 10 Core Profile mandate that an implementation support the Servlet specification, and an implementation like WildFly could be made slimmer by not including such support. But doing the engineering work to validate that option is not in scope for this RFE.

    • If in the future we wished to support a Core Profile config without Servlet, the likely approach would be to allow user exclusion of the Galleon layer that provides it; i.e. the default option would include Servlet. So including Servlet now is unlikely to lead to any incompatible future change.

  • A slimmed weld subsystem that only provides CD I 4.0 CDI Lite, instead of full CDI. Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile only requires CDI Lite, but it is legal to provide full CDI. WildFly do not have any weld integration that is limited to CDI Lite; adding one would be a separate RFE.

  • Similarly to the Servlet point above, exclusion of other functionality that is transitively added due to the use of core-server, cdi or jaxrs layers is not required.

    • TODO enumerate ones of interest, e.g. JTA, EE Concurrency

  • No new Quickstart or adaptation of any existing Quickstart.

Backwards Compatibility

Default Configuration

No default configuration changes will be made related to this issue.

Importing Existing Configuration

No incompatibility. New configuration; does not affect any processing of existing configurations.


No incompatibility. Deployments intended for use with this profile will need to be written to not use other capabilities, but that is not an incompatibility.


The Core Profile will not include any interoperability specifications (IIOP, remote EJB) beyond support for REST.

Security Considerations

The standard WildFly security layer will be provided, along with its standard integration with the other subsystems (undertow, weld, jaxrs) that are included in the profile. There will be nothing novel here.

Test Plan

The test plan is that the standalone-core.xml will be tested in the ExampleParseAndMarshalModelsTestCase. The layer will be tested with the Jakarta EE 10 Core TCK. A CI job will be setup to run the TCK against both the layer and the standalone-core.xml configuration file.

Community Documentation

The layer will be documented with the rest of the known layers. It will include the layers it consists of.

Release Note Content

A new ee-core-profile-server layer has been added which will provision a server for the Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile. You can also see an example configuration in the docs/examples/configs/standalone-core.xml configuration file. The Core Profile is well suited for cloud native applications and microservices.