[] Search output for CLI
The intent of this feature is to provide a search capability to the CLI. When output is longer than terminal height, CLI pages the display and offers a workflow similar to "more" to navigate the content. The proposed feature extends this workflow with the ability to search for text inside the displayed content.
Issue Metadata
Related Issues:
https://issues.redhat.com/browse/WFCORE-3568 (dependency on this one).
Dev Contacts:
QE Contacts:
Affected Projects or Components:
WildFly Core CLI
Hard requirements
Feature enabled by default, no configuration needed.
Smoothly integrate the paged display workflow.
Ability to provide some text to search against. The user provided text is a simple string.
Ability to highlight the matching content.
Ability to jump to the next or previous line that contains one or more match.
Ability to re-use text from search history. The search history is not persisted beyond a CLI process execution.
Advertise when no match is found.
Soft requirements
The user should be able to change the terminal width and height in order to display more content. Search and display must follow the new size. This is s a soft req because today CLI paging support doesn’t support it. But with this new "search match navigation" this seems required.
On Windows, this feature is only available starting with Windows 10. There are some terminal limitations that make ANSI alternate buffer not usable.
Test Plan
Community Documentation
This feature requires community documentation.
Doc PR
Design Notes
'/' character typed to display prompt in order to type text. up and down arrow keys to navigate history. Enter to start the search. When the search is started, the output first line is set to the first matching content. If no match is found outside of the boundaries of the current paged content, "Pattern not found" is displayed.
'n' to jump to next line that contains a match. If no match is found outside of the boundaries of the current paged content, "Pattern not found" is displayed. If a pattern is present in the search history and no pattern has been typed, then typing 'n' will do a forward search for this pattern.
'N' to jump to the previous line that contains a match. If no match is found outside of the boundaries of the current paged content, "Pattern not found" is displayed. If a pattern is present in the search history and no pattern has been typed, then 'N' will do a backward search for this pattern.
When "Pattern not found" is displayed, typing any key except n, N, q, Q or esc will bring the user back to the workflow. Typing q, Q or esc exists the workflow. Typing n, N will continue searching next or previous match.