[] Enhance JBoss CLI generic "command" with support for existing resource
The intent of this feature is to introduce a new option to the CLI command command in order to create commands for existing resources.
Issue Metadata
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Testing By
[x] ENG
Affected Projects or Components:
WildFly Core CLI
Hard requirements
Introduce new --node-child=<path to existing child resource> to the command command.
When --node-child argument is used,the created command is a command that is assigned to a specific child node instance and which allows to perform any operation available for that instance and/or modify any of its properties.
The child node must already exist in the management model. It can’t be added using the created command.
Add new resource using the created command.
Test Plan
New test cases to cover completion and execution will be added to WFCORE repository.
Test that completion of the "command" command proposes new "--node-child" option.
Test that completion of the "command" command containing "--node-child" option is aligned with CLI general completion rules.
Test that completion of created commands with the new option "--node-child" contains resource’s attribute names and doesn’t contain "add" operation.
Test that add and remove actions for existing resources succeeds.
Test that the creation of a command for a non existing child resource fails.
Test that the creation of a command for a resource type fails.
Test that writing multiple resource attributes using a created command succeeds.
Community Documentation
No community doc exists for the "command" command, CLI help is the documentation.