[]  Transactions propagation and recovery over EJB remoting on OpenShift

In  cloud transactions ejb
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The OpenShift JBoss EAP images do not support transaction handling with subordinate transactions. That means it does not support the case when JBoss EAP instance calls other JBoss EAP instance over EJB remote call while transaction context is passed along such call. Currently, in such scenario, the transaction outcome is arbitrary.

The problem outline - bare metal example

Let’s step back to define the example scenario. We have two bare-metal installations of JBoss EAP instances. The first JBoss EAP (naming it as A) calls the second one (naming it as B) with EJB remote call. Let’s depict it as A → B.

In such case, there is a call from one host with an IP address to another host. The server A starts a transaction (we say top-level transaction is started) and make the EJB call to B. Along with this call, the transaction context is passed. Passing context means there is a transaction id passed along the EJB remote call. The receiving side (server B) obtains the transaction id and it starts a child transaction on its side (we call it subordinate transaction). This subordinate transaction have set up the parent transaction being that top-level one started at server A. The subordinate transaction cannot decide independently about the transaction outcome. The subordinate transaction is driven by the top-level.

  1. a client calls EJB at server A

  2. top-level transaction of id top-level-A is started

  3. server A calls server B with EJB call

  4. transaction context with id top-level-A is propagated to server B

  5. server B starts subordinate transaction id subordinate-B with parent transaction of id top-level-A

  6. server B does some business logic, ends the work and return the call back to B

  7. server B waits for being called from server A

  8. server A finishes business logic, ends the work and start with finishing the transaction top-level-A

  9. server A calls prepare on all resources it works with, one of them is the remote call to B with the transaction subordinate-B

  10. server A makes the remote prepare call to server B

  11. server B prepares all the resources it had worked with, the subordinate-B is marked as prepared and the server returns back to A

  12. server A declares the top-level-A to be prepared

  13. server A makes the remote commit call to server B

  14. server B commits all resources it had worked with, the subordinate-B is marked as committed and returns back to A

  15. server A declares the top-level-A to be committed

What happens when a crash of some server happens during the transaction processing? There is a process called recovery manager which periodically tries to finish transactions in error state.

Let' say the server A had crashed somewhere during the work on finishing the transaction. Then the subordinate-B transaction is sitting idle waiting for being instructed from server A. When server A is restarted it loads information about unfinished transactions. The recovery manager at server A makes the remote call to server B to finish transaction subordinate-B.

If there is the server B which crashes then server A periodically tries to connect to server B until the server B is restarted (with the same hostname/IP address it was available before the crash). If B is restarted then it accepts the call and the subordinate-B could be finished.

On top of that, the Narayana transaction manager works with the notion of node identifier. The node identifier is stored as part of the transaction id in the Narayana object store. That means that the transaction id subordinate-B is capable to provide information that node A is the node which started the top level transaction top-level-A which is its parent transaction.

Narayana uses presumed abort strategy. That simply means if there is no information found in the Narayana object store about the transaction then all discovered participants are commanded to roll-back. This for example means that if Narayana has no record about transaction subordinate-B in the object store and after restart of server A it finds that there is such transaction it ask the server B to roll-back it.

The server A finds about existence of the transaction in the server B because the server A continuously asks all the registered remote locations if they have some transactions to finish. Here the server A checks if server B has some in-doubt transaction to finish. Server B responses that there is subordinate-B. Server A does have no record in the objet store thus commands the server B to roll-back it.

It’s important to say that for Narayana JTA implementation the record is saved to object store after successful prepare (as phase of the two-phase commit procedure).

Information about unfinished (in-doubt) transactions is basically stored at three places - Narayana transaction object store contains in-doubt transaction info, the configuration of standalone.xml stores definition of remote outbound connection for the server knows the endpoints to connect to and unfinished transactions at the side of EJB remoting are presented by files stored with WildFly Transaction Client.

The problem outline - OpenShift deployment

If a user deploys an EAP instance to OpenShift he considers smooth use of horizontal scaling with OpenShift primitives. That’s the JBoss EAP image is deployed under the OpenShift service and a pod is started for it. The user expects to be able to scale up and scale down the number of EAP instances running under the service. By default the offered configuration for EAP is with using the DeploymentConfig which is backed by the ReplicationController.

Use of the ReplicationController means the service provides automatic load balancing with round robin when multiple instances of EAP are started under the scope of one service. The pods started by the ReplicationController are provided with floating hostname which is constructed in a way like eap-app-<arbitrary-hash>. When the pod is rescheduled (for example the node is switched off) the pod is started again but with different hostname. Then the storage of the node is ephemeral by default. But as we said the recovery expects the data to survive restarting the pod.

Let’s show the issues that the OpenShift brings for the transaction propagation.

Storage volatility

if the pod crashes there is not ensured that the data stored in the Narayana object store will be available for the newly started pod

Pod hostname volatility

if the pod crashes it’s started with different hostname which means the server A has an issue to contact the server B as B is assigned at a different "place" than it was before the restart

Service calls are not transaction sticky

the service uses load balancing of requests. If we say we have two server instances started under each service. Let’s say the first instance of server A calls the instance of server B with the transaction being propagated. It could happen that the follow-up call for the prepare/commit hits the second instance of server B which has no idea about the existence of such transaction.

Scale-down object store orphanage

if the user decides to scale-down the number of instances under the particular service then there could be left unfinished records of in-doubt transactions in the orphaned object store

Solution design

The solution is about to be constructed on OpenShift primitives to provides a similar environment to bare metal.

The StatefulSet brings storage and hostname stability. The StatefulSet starts pods with stable hostname which is not changed even after pod is restarted/rescheduled. It ensures the same data storage, as it was before pod restart, will be bound to the restarted pod. StatefulSet "deactivates" the service load balancing capabilities and leaves the application to manage the balancing on its own. Here the JBoss EAP clustering abilities will be used to ensures the transaction stickiness. Handling of data from orphaned object store after scale-down will be managed by functionality implemented in WildFly operator. User has to deploy the WildFly operator for the automatic scale-down functionality is available. The WildFly operator is hard requirement for running the transaction recovery fully and with guarantee of data consistency.

If we take the individual issues this setup is about to solve them.

  • Storage volatility is about to be solved by the fact that StatefulSet guarantees to bind the same storage with same data to the re-started pod

  • Pod hostname volatility is about to be solved by StatefulSet as the restarted pod remains with the same hostname as it had before restart

  • Service calls are not transaction sticky is about to be solved by using JBoss EAP clustering. The JBoss EAP instances belonging under one service will establish cluster. This way the EJB remoting client will query the headless service. The headless service returns hostnames of all instances under the service. The EJB remoting client is then capable to connect to one of them particularly and guarantee stickiness for Stateful beans and for transction calls or uses the proper load balancing capability if Stateless beans are called.
    When a new EAP instances are started then EJB remoting client is capable to gather new cluster topology and works based on the new setup.

  • Scale-down object store orphanage issues will be automatized by adding a new functionality to WildFly operator. For scale-down handling functionality the WildFly operator will be required. Operator will watch to scale down actions on the StatefulSet. If scale-down happens it manages all transactions are cleaned-up and only then the pod can be shutdown. The operator functionality will be similar to what was considered as a possible solution before. Which was the use of the StatefulSet Scale-Down Controller. The controller was applied by the project Red Hat AMQ Broker (see Jira ENTMQBR-1859) but the functionality was deprecated and they moved to the AMQ operator. We go the same way.

Specific states of the transactions

The transaction may be finished with commit or rollback. But there is a third state of the transaction outcome which is [unknown]. That’s named as HEURISTIC and means that there is need a human intervation to decide about the transaction. This is not possible to do in automatic way. In such case the pod is left as active for an administrator may manually check it. The pod is reported as being not-terminated and it won’t be stopped until all heuristics are resolved by administrator (he needs to connect with jboss-cli.sh to the app server in the pod and resolve it).

In the current setup, the transaction propagation with recovery works only when a remote outbound connection is used. Up to that, there are some issues on transaction propagation over EJB which are related to JBEAP-13963.

Up to this the programmatic way for defining the EJB remote call (aka. dynamically call EJB without the use of remote outbound connection configuration for it) should be possible. That’s tracked as issue JBEAP-16149.

For the issues of the subordinate transactions which was fixed recently there is WFTC-52 which was causing OOM on the remote side when EJB remoting with transactions was used.

The other relate WFTC issue is issue WFTC-63 that should bring a way to store WFTC records in JDBC storage.

Then there are few minor WFTC issues about records storage as WFLY-12031 and WFTC-64.

Issue Metadata

QE Contacts

Testing By

[ ] Engineering

[x] QE

Affected Projects or Components

  • Narayana (transactions)

  • EJB

  • Remoting

  • Elytron

Other Interested Projects

  • Clustering


Hard Requirements

  • allow users to deploy clustered transactional EAP applications on OpenShift 4

  • OpenShift 3 is not in scope of this solution. The EJB remoting and safe transaction recovery is not about to be resolved with this on OpenShift 3. The solution for safe transaction recovery for single EAP cluster is part of the S2I for JBoss EAP.

  • applications should be able to communicate using ejb-client/remoting libraries

  • distributed transactional operations among those applications should be fully supported

  • transactions should recover properly if the transaction is interrupted

  • users would be able to configure connections between applications by configuring remoting subsystem in 'standalone-openshift.xml'

  • user deploys the WildFly operator which manages the number of replicas and hide the complexity associated with operation in cloud

  • transaction recovery depends on the deployment of the WildFly operator. WildFly operator provides the gurantee for the transaction consistency. The safe recovery won’t be possible without the use of the WildFly operator.

  • the prior solution for transaction recovery - which was the use of the migration pod implemented by CLOUD-2261

    • is not supported by this RFE and is prohibitted to use the migration pod together with the WildFly operator

Nice-to-Have Requirements

  • users would be able to configure connections between applications programmatically

  • auto-generate 'standalone-openshift.xml' during the config - this is planed to be introduced as en extension after the core functionality is implemented and tested

  • Use of the JDBC storage for the object store. It’s expected the filesystem object store is used.


  • communication amongs older versions of the server (like EAP 6.4 to EAP 7.3, vice versa and similar). This is a RFE - a new feature - and is concentrated to the new version EAP when released.

Implementation Plan

  • consider, verify and fix all issues regarding of the OpenShift deployment of JBoss EAP with StatefulSet while the clustered applications communicate via ejb remoting

    • transaction propagation and recovery functionality needs to be verified

  • investigate, cosider and provide fixes for usage of the programmatic lookup (and not only the remote-outbound-connection setup)

  • implementation of the automatic scale-down functionality with use of operator

  • WildFly operator provides a runtime information about what happens to the WildFly cluster during recovery scale-down processing

Test Plan

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