[]  Quickstart for EJB remoting and transaction recovery on OpenShift

In  openshift ejb quickstarts
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This is a follow-up task to CLOUD-2262 where the goal was to provide a safe way to run EJB remote calls amongst WFLY servers on OpenShift and ensure safe transaction recovery for propagated XA transactions.

The goal of this proposal is to document this effort with a small working application that could be used as a reference when a developer needs to set up all the parts correctly.

Issue Metadata


Dev Contacts

QE Contacts

Testing By

[x] Engineering [ ] QE

Affected Projects or Components

  • WildFly Quickstarts

Other Interested Projects

  • Transactions

  • EJB

  • WildFly Operator

Description of the quickstart

The goal of the quickstart is to provide two simple EJB based applications which communicates with each other over EJB remoting. The first one will be placed on the first WildFly "client server" and is accessed over REST to invoke some operation. The second one will be deployed on the second server and will be called over EJB to process some a work.

Both EJBs (on "client server" and on the second server) need to process some "transactional" work (which is e.g. inserting data to a database) for transaction manager may run XA transactions.

The transaction work will contain a real resource (a database) and a mock XA resource which is important for running 2PC.

The quickstart should show a failure scenario where the application fails during transaction processing. Such a case may show how recovery will be processed.

The quickstart has to be prepared for being deployed on Kubernetes/OpenShift. The goal is to show how the WildFly Operator manages the WildFly pods, how works a case where the pod instance crashes and how the scaledown processing is managed.

The Quickstart repository: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart


Hard Requirements

The quickstart has to clarify the way how to configure the EJB remoting on OpenShift.

There has to be defined all the necessary descriptors that will use appropriate default values that will be understandable for users when they need to reconfigure it for their purposes.

The README of the quickstart has to provide a clear explanation of the EJB remoting setup, why is the clustering setup important and it will describe the process that is needed for correct transaction recovery.

The quickstart has to contain a show-case that will show an EJB remote call which goes from the first server to the second server.

There needs to be a simulation of a failure during transaction processing and recovery will be involved to safely finish the unfinished work.

For OpenShift the quickstart has to show the use of the WildFly operator for the deployment purposes as it’s the way how to ensure transaction safety on crashing a pod and during scaledown.

Nice-to-Have Requirements

The quickstart could show the two ways of server to server EJB remote call configuration. First is usage of the remote-outbound connection and the second is creation of the InitialContext programmatically.

Quickstart will use a third party database where data is stored at. Like having a PostgreSQL started (or in case of OpenShift deployed as a separated pod) alongside the testing application and the application would use it for doing the "transactional" work and storing data in the database.


The EAP templates are not to be used for OpenShift setup.

Test Plan

EAP QE runs the quickstart automatically so the testing should mean to add this quickstart to the automation.

The test means to automatize the steps that the user needs to do. The steps will be described and explained in the README of the quickstart.

The tests verify in standalone mode the following

  • several remote calls to stateless bean are load-balanced

  • several remote calls to stateless bean with a started transaction are run with sticky-session to only one node

  • several remote calls to stateful bean that are run with sticky-session to only one node

  • remote lookup may be done with remote-outbound connection or with credentials defined in code passed to initial context

  • when failure occurs during transaction processing on the remote server then transaction recovery will fix the state

For Kubernetes/OpenShift mode

  • the same as for the standalone mode

  • transaction recovery is able to finish a failed transaction on the remote server

Community Documentation

There is not needed a special documentation as the essential part of the quickstart is the README that documents the quickstart as it is.

Release Note Content

This is not needed to be documented. The documentation is the README provided alongside the quickstart.