[]  Eager passivation of SFSBs

In  clustering ejb
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@Stateful EJB passivation is generally used to keep memory consumption below a given threshold, specified as a number of SFSBs to retain in memory at a given time. However, some users want to rely on the eager passivation logic found in older releases of JBoss AS when the cannot quantify their memory constraints as a number of beans. This proposal would restore the ability to eagerly passivate SFSBs for such users.

In general, eager passivation is strongly discouraged for the following reasons:

  1. Eager passivation in a cluster has a negative impact on performance.

  2. Cluster-wide eviction can result in deadlocks if an SFSB is accessed while in the process of eviction.

  3. Under low load/capacity, eager passivation results in memory under-utilization.

  4. Under high load/capacity, eager passivation does not prevent OOMs.

Given that this is a temporary feature and not one we intend to advertise, eager passivation will be enabled via a system property, rather than via a proper management attribute.

Issue Metadata

Dev Contacts

QE Contacts

Affected Projects or Components

Clustering, EJB

Other Interested Projects


Hard Requirements

Port eager passivation logic from AS7.

Nice-to-Have Requirements


Implementation Plan

  • Parse an eager passivation duration (specified in ISO-8601 format) from the "jboss.ejb.stateful.passivation-store.idle-timeout" system property.

  • If undefined, parse eager passivation duration (specified in ISO-8601 format) from the global "jboss.ejb.stateful.idle-timeout" system property.

  • Enable eager passivation logic only when one of these properties is specified.

Test Plan

Create integration test that validates that a given passivation capable SFSB is indeed passivated after a configured inactive period. No QE tests are required as this is not intended to be a documented feature.

Community Documentation

This feature is strongly discouraged, and thus will be undocumented.