[]  Distributable Web Subsystem

In  clustering
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Distributable web applications are indicated by the use of the <distributable/> element within web.xml. A distributable web application is one that is capable of passivating state to support the following scenarios: * Extending the lifecycle of a web session beyond the size constraints of a single server, i.e. traditional passivation. * Extending the lifecycle of a web session across the lifecycle of a single server, i.e. traditional clustering.

Currently, the configuration of a distributable web application is encapsulated within jboss-web.xml via the following elements:


Enables size-based session passivation, when distributed


Defines replication behavior. Inappropriately named when used for passivation.


Overrides the backing cache-container and/or cache. By default, uses default cache of “web” cache-container


SESSION (default) or ATTRIBUTE, i.e. coarse vs fine session → cache entry mapping

This configuration dates back to AS4, and suffers from several limitations:

  • Default behavior of distributed session manager not explicitly defined

    • Default cache-container hardcoded to “web”

    • Routing behavior is fixed

    • No mechanism to globally override default behavior

      • Must override per web application

  • <cache-name/> is inadequate

    • Used to build requirement name of backing Infinispan cache configuration

    • Single value is a relic from JBoss Cache (EAP 4/5)

    • Single element provides up to 2 values: cache-container + cache

      • e.g. <cache-name>foo</cache-name>

        • Use default cache of “foo” cache container

      • e.g. <cache-name>foo.bar</cache-name>

        • Use “bar” cache of “foo” cache container

  • Hard coded routing cache configuration

    • Created from default cache configuration of “web” cache container

  • WFLY-5497 shared-session-config.xml lacks <distributable/>

    • Currently, we always use distributed session manager, if loadable

  • Default distributable SSO behavior is fixed

    • Hardcoded to use default cache of "web" cache-container

  • Missing ability to customize distributable SSO behavior per host (Undertow SSO) or per application security domain (Elyron SSO)

Additionally, the current configuration mechanism does not easily accommodate upcoming features:

Proposal is to create a new subsystem that manages sets of session-management configuration (with a designated default), including:

  • Which distributed session management implementation

  • Implementation specific configuration, e.g. cache-container, cache, remote-cache-container, etc.

  • Session distribution granularity (aka replication-granularity)

  • Routing strategy

Deployments can use a named configuration, the default configuration, or define a deployment specific configuration.

Issue Metadata

Dev Contacts

QE Contacts

Affected Projects or Components

WFCORE for new DUP prorities

Other Interested Projects


Hard Requirements

  • Create new subsystem that defines:

    • A set of distributable web session configurations, where one is designated the server-wide default.

    • A set of distributable single sign-on configurations, where one is designated the server-wide default.

    • Server-wide routing configuration

  • Subsystem exposes implementations of org.wildfly.clustering.web.spi as capabilities.

  • DUP for parsing a jboss-all.xml namespace that references a named distributable web session profile

  • Deprecate jboss-web.xml <replication-config/>

  • Support legacy <replication-config/> usage by generating an ad hoc distributable web session profile

  • When subsystem is not defined, system should behave the same as it does currently.

  • Add optimized default cache configurations for SSO and routing

  • Add support for the following routing strategies:

    • NONE - no route appended to session ID

    • LOCAL - route of local node appended to session ID

    • OWNER - route of primary owner appended to session ID (behaves as LOCAL for remote, local, invalidation, scattered caches)

Nice-to-Have Requirements

  • DUPs for parsing a jboss-all.xml namespace that defines a deployment-specific distributable web session profile

  • Allow per-server (i.e. Undertow server) session management defaults

  • Allow per-host Undertow SSO management defaults

  • Allow per-application security domain SSO management defaults


Implementation Plan

  1. Enhance PersistentResourceXMLDescription to support logical grouping of child resources (WFCORE-3939)

  2. Create new subsystem (WFLY-5550)

  3. Wire Undertow to use SessionManagerFactory attachments if defined, or generate ad hoc SessionManagerFactory based on ReplicationConfig

  4. Deprecate <replication-config/> in jboss-web metadata

  5. Wire Undertow host SSO and application security domain resources to use configuration from distributable-web subsystem

  6. Enhance RouteLocator implementation to support all routing strategies (WFLY-6944)

  7. Add support for <distributable/> to shared-session configuration (WFLY-5497)

  8. Add support for session/sso management over hotrod (subsequent feature proposal)

Test Plan

Test cases:

  • Validate distributable web application behavior is consistent with WF13 when new subsystem is absent

  • Validate distributable web application using default configuration

  • Validate distributable web application using named configuration

  • Validate distributable web application using ad hoc configuration

  • Validate distributable web application using legacy <replication-config/>

  • Validate each routing strategy works as advertised (these will be simple unit tests)

Community Documentation

Community documentation will be updated to describe how to use this new subsystem to customize default distributed web session behavior.