[] Provide datasource properties as suggestions
The /subsystem=datasources/jdbc-driver resource provides runtime information about the allowed datasource properties for Datasource and XADatasource implementations, it was implemented by EAP7-940.
Once the jdbc-driver is added with driver-datasource-class-name
or driver-xa-datasource-class-name
, HAL may provide those properties as suggestions when user edits the connection properties.
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For this feature to work in HAL, these are the requirements:
The jdbc-driver must be created with driver-datasource-class-name or driver-xa-datasource-class-name attributes set, because they are required for the subsystem to list the datasource class properties.
In domain mode, there should be a running server associated to the profile the user wants to edit, because the datasource properties is loaded from a running server.
Driver deployment is not supported on the subsystem level.
No required to work when editing in model browser, as it is a generic interface to interact with the domain model.
Hard Requirements
When user wants to edit the connection properties (datasource) or the datasource properties (xa datasource), the properties will be displayed as suggestions on the following screens:
Wizard to create a new XA Datasource, on the "Properties" step.
Editing a Datasource, on the connection tab, there is the connection properties
Editing a XA Datasource, on the connection tab, there is the xa datasource properties
Community Documentation
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