[]  Common Annotations 1.3

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Commons Annotations 1.3 is a small change update to 1.2 MR. Main change is allowing @Repeatble on @DatasourceDefintion and @Priority annotation is allowed to also on parameters now. We are using our fork of upstream’s https://github.com/javaee/javax.annotation

Issue Metadata


Dev Contacts

QE Contacts

  • Michal Jurc

Affected Projects or Components

  • WildFly

  • Weld Integration


Add conditional support for Common Annotations 1.3 This will be controlled by the ee8.preview.mode system property. If the property is not present or not set to true Comon Annotations 1.2 will be used instead.

We need to check if Weld works fine with @Priority changes, which is tracked in https://issues.redhat.com/browse/WFLY-9748