[]  EJB subsystem configure max threads and core threads independently

In  ejb
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[x] Engineering

[x] QE

Affected Projects or Components

  • ejb3

  • wildfly-core/threads

Other Interested Projects


Hard Requirements

The following table shows the new requirements vs the existing behavior in ejb3 subsystem thread-pool:

New Requirement Existing Behavior of EJB3 Subsystem thread-pool

Ability to configure core-threads and max-threads independently

max-threads is configurable, but core-threads is not configurable and always equals to max-threads

Ability to reuse available threads as much as possible, without unnecessary creation of new threads

Upon new request, new threads are created up to the limit of max-threads, even though idle threads are available

Ability to timeout idle non-core threads after keepalive-timeout

Idle threads are not timed out, and keepalive-timeout is ignored

Ability to create and use non-core threads after core threads are saturated

Income tasks are queued after core threads are used up

New elements in wildfly-ejb3_6_0.xsd schema

Need to add a new sub-element under thread-pool element:

<xs:element name="core-threads" type="threads:countType"/>

Expected CLI Operations and resources

/subsystem=ejb3/thread-pool=default:read-resource { "outcome" => "success", "result" => { "core-threads" => 2, "keepalive-time" => { "time" => 1000L, "unit" => "SECONDS" }, "max-threads" => 10, "name" => "default", "thread-factory" => undefined } }
/subsystem=ejb3/thread-pool=default:write-attribute(name=core-threads, value=3) {"outcome" => "success"}
/subsystem=ejb3/thread-pool=default:read-attribute(name=core-threads) { "outcome" => "success", "result" => 3 }
/subsystem=ejb3/thread-pool=default:write-attribute(name=max-threads, value=9) {"outcome" => "success"}
/subsystem=ejb3/thread-pool=default:read-attribute(name=max-threads) { "outcome" => "success", "result" => 9 }
/subsystem=ejb3/thread-pool=default:read-resource(include-runtime=true) { "outcome" => "success", "result" => { "active-count" => 0, "completed-task-count" => 242L, "core-threads" => 1, "current-thread-count" => 1, "keepalive-time" => { "time" => 1000L, "unit" => "MILLISECONDS" }, "largest-thread-count" => 2, "max-threads" => 10, "name" => "default", "queue-size" => 0, "rejected-count" => 0, "task-count" => 228L, "thread-factory" => undefined } }

New attribute in ejb3 subsystem resource model

Need to add a new attribute to ejb3 subsystem resource model to represent core-threads configuration, as a peer to the existing max-threads attribute.

Nice-to-Have Requirements

  • ability to switch between the existing thread-pool and the new thread-pool backed by EnhancedQueueExecutor


  • improvement of thread-pool configuration in subsystems other than ejb3

  • ability to configure ejb3 thread-pool queue size

  • ability to allow ejb3 thread-pool core threads to timeout

  • improvement to thread-factory configuration in ejb3 subsystem thread-pool

  • configuration in ejb3 subsystem of advanced features in EnhancedQueueExecutor, e.g., growth resistance factor.

Implementation Plan

  • switch ejb3 subsystem thread-pool to the thread-pool backed by org.jboss.threads.EnhancedQueueExecutor

  • need to modify wildfly-core threads sub-project

    • add to wildfly-core threads sub-project EnhancedQueueExecutorService, which is backed by org.jboss.threads.EnhancedQueueExecutor

    • add related classes to support the new EnhancedQueueExecutorService, such as EnhancedQueueExecutorAdd, EnhancedQueueExecutorRemove, EnhancedQueueExecutorResourceDefinition, EnhancedQueueExecutorWriteAttributeHandler, etc

Test Plan

  • Some of the basic testing outline:

    • verify basic CRUD operations of the new attribute in ejb3 subsystem resource model (see CLI operations above)

    • transformer tests

    • behavior tests:

      • verify core-threads and max-threads can be configured independently to different values

      • verify core-threads are re-used, if available, and no new core threads are created unnecessarily

        • by using @Schedule ejb timers, or async ejb invocations

      • verify number of core threads are kept at a relative low number after certain number of operations, such as ejb timer or async ejb invocations.

For example, to verify core thread reuse, configure core-threads = 1, deploy the following singleton ejb that contains an auto timer that expires in every second. The single core thread should be able to service all timeout calls and no other threads should be created.

@Startup @Singleton public class ScheduleSingleton { private final ConcurrentSkipListSet<String> threadNames = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<String>();
@Schedule(second="*/1", minute="*", hour="*", persistent=false)
public void timeout(Timer t) {
    public Set<String> getThreadNames() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(threadNames);

After sleeping a while, the test servlet can call getThreadNames() to verify that it only contains 1 element, e.g., [EJB default - 1]

To verify non-core thread timeout, configure ejb thread-pool timeout to be a short one, add another similar timeout method to ScheduleSingleton so 2 timers will fire at every second and at least one non-core threads will be created. As non-core threads time out, new non-core threads will be created to service timeout calls. So the output will be like:

EJB default - 1, EJB default - 10, EJB default - 11, EJB default - 12, EJB default - 13, EJB default - 14, EJB default - 2, EJB default - 3, EJB default - 4, EJB default - 5, EJB default - 6, EJB default - 7, EJB default - 8, EJB default - 9

Community Documentation

Enhance WildFly community docs (docs/src/main/asciidoc/_admin-guide/subsystem-configuration/EJB3.adoc) to describe the new attribute core-threads and affected changes. EJB3.adoc has been updated and included in the PR to WildFly.