[] Support for masked passwords in client XML config
The Elytron client should support masked passwords, as it is supported in PicketBox. The masked password will have the following attributes:
The algorithm that was used to encrypt the password. If this attribute is not specified, the default value is "masked-MD5-DES".
The initial key material that was used to encrypt the password. If this attribute is not specified, the default value is "somearbitrarycrazystringthatdoesnotmatter".
The iteration count that was used to encrypt the password. This attribute is required.
The salt that was used to encrypt the password. This attribute is required.
The base64 encrypted password (without the "MASK-" prefix). This attribute is required.
The initialization vector that was used to encrypt the password. This attribute is optional.
It should be possible to use masked passwords in place of any clear password written in the Elytron Client XML configuration. For example, instead of:
<clear-password password="password"/>
The following would also be possible to use:
<masked-password iteration-count="12" salt="12345678" masked-password="j37uUs8kG9t2QSWjoxxtDg=="/>
It should also be possible to specify a masked password to be used for authentication programmatically:
AuthenticationConfiguration maskedConfig =
.usePassword("YFBlotObdCo=", null, null, "100", "12345678", null); //attributes of a masked password
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Affected Projects or Components
WildFly Elytron
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Hard Requirements
Everywhere in the Elytron client configuration where a clear password can be used, it should be possible to use a masked password instead:
credential in authentication-configuration
key-store password
key-store reference (like in key-store-ssl-certificate)
resource-owner-credentials (in oauth2-bearer-token)
client-credentials (in oauth2-bearer-token)
It should be possible to use passwords generated in PicketBox-format into Elytron
It should be possible to represent the password in modular crypt format
This will require not using the initialization vectors (IV) randomly generated by the javax.crypto.Cipher as that makes decryption impossible
This will also deprecate the PKDBF2 algorithms for masked passwords as these algorithms cannot be used to get a Cipher instance.
It should be possible to programmatically specify a masked password to be used for authentication.
Implementation Details
When testing the original implementation for this feature, it was discovered that no SASL mechanisms support masked passwords from the client side (similar to: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/ELY-1252).
In order to support masked passwords as credentials for configuration on the client side, it is proposed that the masked
password be converted to a clear password. This would be done in ElytronXmlParser#parseMaskedPassword
. After
parsing the attributes of the masked password, the clear text password can be obtained and a ClearPassword can be generated
as follows:
final MaskedPasswordSpec spec = new MaskedPasswordSpec(initialKeyMaterial, iterationCount, salt, maskedPasswordBytes, initializationVector);
PasswordFactory factory1 = PasswordFactory.getInstance(algorithm, providers);
ClearPasswordSpec unmasked = factory1.getKeySpec(factory1.generatePassword(spec).castAs(MaskedPassword.class), ClearPasswordSpec.class);
final char[] finalPassword = unmasked.getEncodedPassword();
return () -> {
try {
PasswordFactory factory2 = PasswordFactory.getInstance(ClearPassword.ALGORITHM_CLEAR, providers);
return Assert.assertNotNull(factory2.generatePassword(new ClearPasswordSpec(finalPassword)).castAs(ClearPassword.class));
} catch (InvalidKeySpecException | NoSuchAlgorithmException cause) {
throw xmlLog.xmlFailedToCreateCredential(location, cause);
Nice-to-Have Requirements
Test Plan
Tests will be added to test masked passwords with a clear spec as well as encryptable spec (in modular crypt format).
Elytron XML parser tests will be added.
Tests will be added to test PicketBox compatability.
Tests using Elytron client with clear-password will be copied and implemented with masked password instead.
Community Documentation
Documentation will be added in the "<credential-stores/>" and "<key-stores />" sections under _client-guide/authentication-client in the WildFly documentation to indicate that credentials and key store passwords can be specified as a masked-password in the Elytron authentication client.
Documentation will be added in the "The Configuration File Approach" and "The Programmatic Approach" sections under _elytron/Client_Authentication_with_Elytron_Client in the WildFly documentation to indicate that a masked password can be specified programmatically or in the client XML configuration file to be used for authentication.