[] JwtValidator jku and kid header parameters
Our current JwtValidator supports only single key for validation, which makes it unusable for things like key rotation. This can be solved by supporting 'kid' and 'jku' parameters. That would enable us to use multiple keys for token validation and to use remote key endpoints to retrieve the keys.
Issue Metadata
Dev Contacts
QE Contacts
Affected Projects or Components
WildFly, Security
Hard Requirements
Support 'jku' parameter - the idea is to support fetching keys from remote location using https. The only keys needed are RSA public keys for token signature validation. This will follow RFC7517. Every key will be immediately converted to RSAPublicKey right when received and that key will be cached for configurable time. Keys will be downloaded only over verified TLS connection.
Support 'kid' parameter, which can be used to distinguish between keys. This could be also used as an alias for keystores.
Add configuration for multiple named keys, that would be used when the token uses 'kid' parameter without 'jku'. Current implementation would be used for tokens with no 'kid' as a default key.
<token-realm name="TokenRealm">
<jwt public-key="PEMpk" client-ssl-context="TokenRealmContext" host-name-verification-policy="ANY"/>
<token-realm name="TokenRealm">
<jwt public-key="PEMpk" client-ssl-context="TokenRealmContext" host-name-verification-policy="ANY">
<key kid="1" public-key="PEMpk1" />
<key kid="2" public-key="PEMpk2" />
Nice-to-Have Requirements
Ability to use kid as an alias for configured keystore.
Test Plan
Functionality tests will be included in Elytron.