[]  Default SSLContext Registration (Within Application Server)

In  elytron
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This is a relatively simple enhancement to ensure that as the server is started a JVM wide default SSLContext is registered for the use of any libraries within the application server that support the use of the default context.

Issue Metadata


Dev Contacts

QE Contacts

Affected Projects or Components

WildFly Core

Other Interested Projects



Hard Requirements

At the root of the WildFly Elytron subsystem a new attribute default-ssl-context will be registered. This will be a reference to resources providing the org.wildfly.security.ssl-context capability.

As the services for the subsystem start a reference to the SSLContext instance will be obtained and will be set globally using the API SSLContext.setDefault(SSLContext).

Nice-to-Have Requirements



Handling of the registration of a default SSLContext in stand alone clients will not be covered by this RFE.

This RFE is concerned with the registration of a single SSLContext, this RFE will not cover selecting alternative configurations based on the peer being accessed.

It will not be possible to cache a current default SSLContext as this would lead to redundant initialisation that could fail, additionally it is not possible to set the default to null to trigger initialisation on next access so the SSLContext will not be cleared if the subsystem is shut down. Unsetting the default-ssl-context attribute would put the process in a restart-required state instead of reload-required.

Test Plan

Community Documentation

A small amount of documentation will be required describing the new attribute in the WildFly Elytron subsystem.