[] Support for multiple security realms - Distributed Identities
By stacking LoginModules it was possible using PicketBox to attempt to authenticate using one remote store and if that failed try the next store in the list.
This RFE will implement distributed security realm, which will allow to use multiple security realms for authentication by sequentially invoking list of configured realms until a realm with existing realm identity is found.
Issue Metadata
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Testing By
[ ] Engineering
[x] QE
Affected Projects or Components
Wildfly (documentation)
Wildfly Core
Hard Requirements
Add DistributedRealm to Elytron, which will be a SecurityRealm wrapper containing a list of SecurityRealms allowing to sequentially invoke them until one succeeds.
<distributed-realm name="TheRealm" realms="realm1 realm2 realm3" />
If any of the queried realms is unavailable (throws RealmUnavailableException), the exception will be propagated - the query will fail. Eg. Authentication information for
user user
is stored in realm2
. The realm realm1
is unavailable, so querying distributed-realm
for user
will result in an exception, as the realms are queried sequentially.
Test Plan
Unit tests will be added to Wildfly Elytron Subsystem model tests (parsing, persisting, transformers) will be added to Wildfly Core
Community Documentation
documentation will be added to Wildfly documentation