[]  Security Realms should support specifying the charset and encoding for credentials

In  elytron
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This task is to ensure Elytron provides feature parity with the PicketBox based configuration ahead of the next major release. Specifically, the legacy modules can be configured to support hashed passwords to prevent plain text passwords from being stored on the server side. Elytron already supports specifying hashing algorithms in its security realms. This task enables support for encodings and character sets.

PicketBox Configuration

In the legacy configuration, the module UsernamePasswordLoginModule imposes an identity == String username, credentials == String password view on the login process. To avoid storing clear text passwords in the management system, it supports the ability to configure the hashing algorithm, encoding and character set to compare the client-supplied password to the password stored in the management system. The configuration for the hashing algorithm, encoding string and character set are specified as the module options: hashAlgorithm, hashEncoding and hashCharset. See here for more information on the module configuration.

The UsersRolesLoginModule, DatabaseServerLoginModules and LDAPLoginModule share UsernamePasswordLoginModule as their parent module. Ergo, they all support configuring the hashing algorithm, encoding and character set to be used across all passwords in the module.

The Elytron security realms provide similar functionality than the descendants of the UserRolesLoginModule. For instance, the Properties Security Realm uses a properties file similarly to the UsersRolesLoginModule. Furthermore, the DatabaseServerLoginModule is a JDBC login module that supports authentication and role mapping, whose behaviour is replicated by the JDBC realm in the Elytron subsystem. Finally, the LDAPLoginModule authenticates against an LDAP server just like the LDAP security realm in Elytron.

PicketBox Authentication

Given a hashing algorithm has been provided as a module option, the Legacy modules hash the client provided passwords prior to validating whether it matches the store password. Note that validating whether the store password and the client provided password might have a module specific implementation i.e. in the LDAPLoginModule it takes the client provided password and it tries to create an LDAP init context with the client password and username.

All modules use the UsernamePasswordLoginModule#login method to perform the authentication which creates an identity based on the username provided by the client, retrieves the password in the store corresponding to that identity, hashes the client provided password and checks whether the hashed client password matches the password in the store.

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Testing By

  • [ X ] Engineering

  • QE

Affected Projects or Components

  • Wildfly, Wildfly-Core and Elytron

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Hard Requirements

All realms that support hashed passwords need to be modified: Properties Realm, Filesystem Realm, JDBC Realm, and LDAP Realm. Note the Filesystem realm has been added to the scope of this RFE even if it was not available in the PicketBox configuration, as the properties realm is a legacy configuration.

Two new attributes will be added to all of these realms: hash-encoding and hash-charset.

  • hash-encoding: This attribute specifies the string format for the hashed password if a hashing algorithm is specified. It may specify one of two: hex or base64. It will be set to base64 by default if omitted to replicate the legacy configuration options except for the properties realm, where it was already using hex encoding as its default. Note the legacy configuration also supports the rfc2617 encoding, but this is simply hex encoding when using the MD5 DIGEST algorithm. See here for reference. For that reason, it has been omitted, as a user can simply specify hex encoding instead.

  • hash-charset: This attribute specifies the name of the character set to use when converting the password string to a byte array. The legacy configuration options set the charset used in the container’s runtime environment by default. However, in the Elytron configuration, it will be set to UTF-8, as this was the charset already being used by default across Elytron realms.

Though this is the general definition for what these attributes mean, they will be configured in different ways depending on the security realm. See below for the realm-specific configurations.

Properties Realm

The hash-encoding and hash-charset attributes will be configured as resource-wide attributes, as all the passwords within a properties file follow the same format and are either clear text or already digested. For example:

/subsystem=elytron/properties-realm=propRealm:add(groups-attribute=groups, groups-properties={...}, users-properties={...), \
plain-text=false, hash-encoding=hex, hash-charset=ISO-8859-5)

Note that this realm already uses hex encoding by default if passwords are not stored in clear text. See here for reference. Therefore, in this realm, hash-encoding will be set to hex by default as opposed to base64 which was used as the default in the legacy configuration.

The configuration for the properties realm is similar to the UserRolesLoginModule in the PicketBox configuration since these options are resource-wide i.e. these hashing options will be used when verifying every single client-provided password against the credentials stored in the security realm, as long as hashing is enabled. The only difference lies in that the Elytron Properties realm only allows ClearPasswords or DigestPasswords, as opposed to the UserRolesLoginModule which supports a wider variety of hashing algorithms. Supporting more hashing algorithms is out of the scope of this RFE.

FileSystem Realm

The proposed changes for the FileSystem realm include adding the options hash-encoding and hash-charset to the add operation as follows:


The proposed configuration for the Filesystem realm is similar to the UserRolesLoginModule in the PicketBox configuration since these options are resource-wide i.e. these hashing options will be used when verifying every single client-provided password against the credentials stored in the security realm, as long as hashing is enabled.

Notice the identities stored in a filesystem security realm might use different hashing algorithms. However, in order to replicate the Legacy configuration, a filesystem realm will only support one encoding and one charset across the entire resource.

JDBC Security Realm

In the JDBC Security Realm, one or more principal queries can be defined. Each defined principal query is associated with its own datasource, which means they can use different password mappers with configurations specific to that datasource.

The configuration for the JDBC security realm queries a datasource for the entry matching the desired username. The result for that query contains columns containing the password, the hashing algorithm, salt iterations, etc. This information is then used to hash the client provided password and compare against the password stored in the database.

Note there already exists an attribute called hash-encoding under the configuration for password mappers which currently supports base64 and hex. No additional changes are required to ensure feature parity with the Legacy configuration regarding the string encoding.

On the other hand, the proposed changes for this realm include adding a hash-charset attribute, which specifies the character set to use. Together, these attributes would be configured as follows:

/subsystem=elytron/jdbc-realm=servlet-security-jdbc-realm:add(principal-query=[ \
data-source="ServletSecurityDS",bcrypt-mapper={password-index=1, salt-index=2,iteration-count-index=3, hash-encoding=hex}}], hash-charset=UTF-16)

Notice the hash-charset attribute does not belong to the password mapper and is instead a specification to be used across the entire realm. This resembles the PicketBox configuration since the hash-charset configuration is module-wide and not specific to each query.

LDAP Realm

The hash-encoding and hash-charset attributes will be configured as resource-wide attributes, under the assumption that all passwords stored within an LDIF file have the same encoding and the same character set. For example:

/subsystem=elytron/ldap-realm=ldapRalm:add(dir-context=..., identity-mapping={...}, \
attribute-mapping=[...], hash-encoding=hex, hash-charset=UTF-16BE)

The PicketBox configuration is similar to the proposed changes for the LDAP realm since the hashing configurations are module-wide and not specific to each password. The main difference lies in the specification of the hashing algorithm. The PicketBox configuration has a module-wide specification for the hashing algorithm, whilst Elytron currently supports different hashing algorithms within the same realm. These algorithms are specified as a prefix for the password string stored in the LDIF file in the format {hashingAlgo}password i.e. {md5}WhBei51A4TKXgNYuoiZdig==. See here for more information about the syntax.

Note that the standard for storing the userPassword attribute in LDIF files is base64, therefore the proposed changes allow for enabling resource wide hash encodings including base64 by default.

Test Plan

  • WildFly Elytron test suite: tests for each of the four realms testing the additional functionality with the encodings and character sets.

  • Wildfly Core test suite: tests for each of the four realms testing the additional functionality with encoding and character sets configured in the Elytron subsystem, tests for Elytron parsing and transformer tests.

  • Wildfly test suite: test to ensure passwords are encoded correctly when comparing the client-supplied password to a password stored in the security realm.

Community Documentation

Release Note Content

It is now possible to specify the character set and hash encoding strings to verify client-supplied passwords against passwords stored in the Properties Realm, Filesystem Realm, JDBC Realm and LDAP realm in the Elytron subsystem.