[]  Certificate Revocation Lists

In  elytron
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Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) contain a list of certificates that have been revoked by the issuing Certificate Authority before their expected expiration date, and therefore should no longer be trusted. Elytron currently supports configuring one Certificate Revocation List.

However, if several Certificate Authorities are used, there is no way to configure several CRL files. This task is to enable support for more than one Certificate Revocation List in Elytron.

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Testing By

  • [ X ] Engineering

  • QE

Affected Projects or Components

  • WildFly, WildFly-Core and Elytron

Other Interested Projects



Hard Requirements

  • Add a new attribute certificate-revocation-lists in the trust-manager resource in the Elytron subsystem:

    • The trust-manager must be able to use the CRLs obtained from the distribution points referenced in the certificates using the certificate-revocation-lists attribute as follows:

    • Alternatively, the trust-manager must be able to configure CRLs using certificate revocation list objects (which override the CRLs referenced in the distribution points). These objects have the attributes path and relative-to which specify the path to the CRL and the base path to the CRL respectively. These objects can be configured as follows:

      /subsystem=elytron/trust-manager=myTrustManager:write-attribute(name=certificate-revocation-lists, value=[{path=/path/to/CRL_FILE.crl.pem, relative-to=/SOME/DIRECTORY},
      {path=/path/to/CRL_FILE2.crl.pem, relative-to=/SOME/DIRECTORY}])
    • The current client side schema to configure certificate-revocation-lists in wildfly-config.xml looks as follows:

      <ssl-context name="...">
          <trust-store key-store-name="..."/>
          <certificate-revocation-list path="/path/to/CRL.pem" maximum-cert-path="2"/>
    • The proposed client side schema should support the new attribute certificate-revocation-lists which contains multiple certificate-revocation-list objects as follows:

      <ssl-context name="...">
          <trust-store key-store-name="..."/>
              <certificate-revocation-list path="/path/to/CRL.pem"/>
              <certificate-revocation-list path="/path/to/CRL2.pem" />
The certificate-revocation-list objects under the certificate-revocation-lists attribute will not allow the configuration of a maximum-cert-path for each CRL, as this attribute has been deprecated. Instead, it assumes this value has been configured as an attribute for the trust manager.
  • As the new certificate-revocation-lists attribute can pose more complexity in the CLI, the existing attribute certificate-revocation-list should be kept. These attributes should be mutually exclusive.

  • For older schema versions, the certificate-revocation-lists attribute will be transformed to certificate-revocation-list in the following two cases:

    • When the certificate-revocation-lists attribute is holding a single CRL object, it will be converted to certificate-revocation-list.

    • When the certificate-revocation-lists is empty it indicates the distribution points should be used. It will then be converted to an empty certificate-revocation-list.

Nice-to-Have Requirements




Test Plan

The following test scenarios will be added to the WildFly Elytron test suite:

  • One way SSL tests where a client configures a single CRL under the certificate-revocation-lists attribute. A server is configured to send a certificate which is present in the CRL configured in the client. Communication is expected to fail.

  • One way SSL tests where a client configures multiple CRLs under the certificate-revocation-lists attribute. A server is configured to send a certificate which is present in one of the CRLs configured by the client. Communication is expected to fail.

  • One way SSL tests where a client configures multiple CRLs under the certificate-revocation-lists attribute. A server is configured to send a certificate not present in any of the CRLs configured by the client. Communication is expected to succeed.

  • Two way SSL test where a server configures a list of CRLs containing a single CRL. The client configures no CRLs, but it sends a certificate present in the CRL configured by the server. Communication is expected to fail.

  • Two way SSL test where a server configures a list of CRLs containing a single CRL. The client configures no CRLs, and it sends a certificate not present in the CRL configured by the server. Communication is expected to succeed.

  • Two way SSL test where a server configures a list of CRLs containing multiple CRLs. The client configures no CRLs, but it sends a certificate present in one of the CRLs configured by the server. Communication is expected to fail.

  • Two way SSL test where a server configures a list of CRLs containing two CRLs. The client configures no CRLs, and it sends a certificate not present in any of the CRLs configured by the server. Communication is expected to succeed.

The following test scenarios will be added to the WildFly Core test suite:

  • A test to ensure the management system adequately creates trust managers containing multiple certificate revocation lists using the certificate-revocation-lists attribute. It would additionally verify the trust manager can be reloaded successfully.

  • A test to ensure the management system adequately creates a trust manager where the CRLs are specified using the distribution points by specifying an empty certificate-revocation-lists attribute.

The following test scenarios will be added to the WildFly test suite:

  • A web application secured using an Elytron server-ssl-context backed by a trust-manager configured with multiple certificate revocation lists. The test would check certificate based authentication succeeds when connecting to a server which sends a certificate not present in the certificate revocation lists. Additionally, they would check certificate based authentication fails if the client provides a certificate present in any of the CRLs configured.

  • Subsystem parsing to verify the parsing of older version of the model in addition to testing the parsing of the current version including the new configuration options.

  • Transformer tests to verify the certificate-revocation-lists attribute gets converted into certificate-revocation-list when containing a single list or empty. Otherwise, the attribute certificate-revocation-lists should be rejected.

Community Documentation

Release Note Content

Elytron previously supported configuring one certificate revocation list. However, if several Certificate Authorities were used, there was no way to configure more than one certificate revocation file. It is now possible to configure multiple certificate revocation lists in Elytron.