[] JAX-RS parameters annotations with default names
This is about adding custom RESTEasy annotations working the same as vanilla JAX-RS QueryParam, HeaderParam, FormParam, CookieParam, PathParam, MatrixParam, but taking their names from (depending on where they’re placed):
parameter name, via reflection (requires use of -parameters javac flag, otherwise params are named arg0..X)
setter property name
field name
This allows avoiding explicit declaration of parameter names in the annotations:
import org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.jaxrs.*;
public class ParamResource {
private String userId;
public String getOrder(@PathParam String orderId) {
return "User "+userId+" / Order "+orderId;
Further documentation: https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy/commit/7c3bec70d601ea097a39360ba2f9f85e0cb0ccdb
Issue Metadata
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Affected Projects or Components:
The new annotations will live in package org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.jaxrs
The new annotations require JDK 8 or greater to enable parameter names recording in the bytecode
Besides for the default and automatically derived parameter name, each annotation will behave the same as the corresponding vanilla JAX-RS one
Test Plan
RESTEasy tests upstream already included (by Stephane Epardaud and Marek Kopecky)
Community Documentation
The documentation is coming with the release of the RESTEasy component that’s bringing the feature in WildFly. The merged PR that added the documentation is https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy/pull/1519/files