[] Use MicroProfile Config in RESTEasy
Currently, RESTEasy 3.x (targeted to Wildfly) mostly uses servlet context-params and init-params to obtain configuration information. In RESTEasy 4.x, we have updated configuration to access all standard MicroProfile Config sources. Also, we have added three additional ConfigSources:
servlet init-params [ordinal 60]
filter init-params [ordinal 50]
servlet context-params [ordinal 40]
All parameters, both RESTEasy parameters and application parameters, are available from all ConfigSources to both RESTEasy and application code.
In this feature, we propose to port the same use of MicroProfile Config to Resteasy 3.x.
This feature will depend on the MicroProfile Config project, which will be included in Wildfly by way of the MicroProfile Extension Pack. It follows that MicroProfile Config may or may not be available, and therefore Resteasy will have to be able to access configuration parameters with or without MicroProfile Config.
Issue Metadata
{issue-base-url}/EAP7-1386 [EAP7-1386]
{issue-base-url}/WFLY-12779 [WFLY-12779]
Related Issues
{issue-base-url}/RESTEASY-2406 [RESTEASY-2406]
Dev Contacts
QE Contacts
Petr Kremensky
Testing By
[ ] Engineering
[x] QE
Affected Projects or Components
RESTEasy, Wildfly
Other Interested Projects
Hard Requirements
RESTEasy must be able to retrieve configuration parameters whether or not MicroProfile Config is available.
If MicroProfile Config is available, RESTEasy will retrieve all configuration parameters from MicroProfile ConfigSources.
If MicroProfile Config is not available, RESTEasy will preserve its current behavior.
Test Plan
Tests already exist in the RESTEasy codebase for RESTEasy 4.x These can be ported to RESTEasy 3.x. Tests to verify that RESTEasy continues to work in the absence of MicroProfile Config will need to be added.
Community Documentation
The RESTEasy 4.x user guide discusses the use of MicroProfile in JAX-RS applications. That material can be adapted.