[]  Enable configuration of resource adapter validation log directory

In  jca resource-adapter
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Currently resource-adapter validation logs are not created because report-directory property that IronJacamar uses is always null. The goal of this RFE is to implement config of validator log directory so that customers can see result of the validation.


'report-directory' tag will be added to 'resource-adapters' subystem. The tag will contain a 'path' element which configures the location of a validation log.

{code} <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:resource-adapters:6.1"> <resource-adapters> (…​) </resource-adapters> <report-directory path="/foo/baz"/> </subsystem> {code}

Issue Metadata


Dev Contacts:

Testing by:

  • Engineering

Affected Projects or Components:

  • IronJacamar, WildFly Connector


Customers should be able to configure report directory for resource adapter validation logs.

Proposed solution

Extends resource adapters subsystem so that it contains report-directory configuration.

Test Plan

Resource adapters subsystem tests would verify whether report-directory configuration is parsed correctly.

Community docs

  • None