[]  Support JMS Java EE resources definition for remote Artemis-based broker

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Issue Metadata


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User Story

Affected Projects or Components

  • This is a internal restructuring of the messaging-activemq subsystem that requires no changes from Artemis or other messaging components.


  • Java EE JMS resource definitions must be able to connect to remote Artemis-based brokers.

  • When an archive containing a JMSDestinationDefinition is deployed, it MUST create the resources corresponding to the JMS Queue or Topic on the remote Artemis-based brokers. If such a resource already exists then it continues.

  • When the archive containing the definitions is undeployed, the resources on the remote Artemis broker MUST NOT be destroyed.

  • When a resource definitions is used to connect to a remote Artemis-based brokers, it MUST not require any resources under the /subsystem=messaging-activemq (other than the subsystem itself).

Hard Requirements


Nice-to-Have Requirements




Current Design

The Java EE7 resource definitions behave differently depending on the presence of the resourceAdapter property.

If that property is set, the messaging-activemq subsystem will delegate to the resource-adapters subsystem (and IronJacamar) to create the JMS resources based on the resource adapter’s admin-objects and connection-definitions resources.

Artemis Resource adapter does not support Administrated Objects and thus it needs a specific way to create JMS destinations. This special case is handled by the messaging-activemq subsystem by delegating the creation of JMS destination (and JMS connection factory) to a server resource that corresponds to a local Artemis broker. For an external broker, we will use the same mechanism as for a local broker, using a pooled-connection-factory to send Artemis management messages to create the required resources. Using the properties on a DestinationDefinition we can pass a management-address property to define the management address to use for sending the management messages to the remote Artemis broker.

Proposed Design

This feature requires no change to the messaging-activemq subsystem structure.

We will be using the resourceAdapter parameter to look for pooled-connection-factories either local or remote.

The Java EE7 specification also expects that a JMS resource definitions works out of the box without having to specify a resourceAdapter name.

The new behaviour will be: For destinations:

1. if `resourceAdapter` attribute is specified or one can be defined from the default-binding for the `jms-connection-factory`
  1.1 if a `pooled-connection-factory` with the specified name exists
        1.1.1 if it is a `pooled-connection-factory` to a remote broker: use it to connect to the remote broker and send management messages.
        1.1.2 else it is a 'local' broker : use the `server` resource to create the required destinations.
2. else
    2.1 delegate to the `resource-adapters` subsystem (and IronJacamar) to create the JMS resources based on the resource adapter's `admin-objects` and `connection-definitions` resources.


Use the default resource adapter

It corresponds to [1.1.1] of the new behavior.

  • create a connector /subsystem=messaging/remote-connector=remote-amq(socket-binding="messaging-remote-throughput")

  • create a /subsystem=messaging/pooled-connection-factory=activemq-ra-remote(entries=["java:/jms/remote-amq/JmsConnectionFactory"], connectors=["remote-amq"]) resource

  • define /subsystem=ee/service=default-bindings:write-attribute(name=jms-connection-factory="java:/jms/remote-amq/JmsConnectionFactory")

  • use the annotation


Use a remote Artemis broker

It corresponds to [1.1.1] of the new behaviour.

  • use the annotation


Use a 3rd party JMS resource adapter

It corresponds to [2.1] of the new behaviour.

  • define a resource-adapter (e.g. named wsmq) in the /subsystem=resource-adapters subsystem.

  • use the annotation


Use a remote Artemis broker with a specific management.queue

It corresponds to [1.1.1] of the new behaviour.

  • use the annotation

    name = "java:/jms/queue/MessageBeanQueue",
    interfaceName = "javax.jms.Queue",
    destinationName = "MessageBeanQueue"
    properties= {

Test Plan

  • WildFly test suite covers the default use case (no resourceAdapter attribute, use the default messaging-activemq’s server)

  • Additional test coverage will be added to support connection to a "remote" Artemis broker (that uses a invm server locator to connect to the default local server)

  • Coverage for the 3rd party resource adapters is handled by QE and will not require any change

  • QE Test suite will be enhanced with further test for connections to remote Artemis-based brokers (including for example other WildFly instances, AMQ-7 brokers, etc).

Community Documentation

The feature will be documented in WildFly Admin Guide (in the Messaging Configuration section).