[]  Provide a WildFly Management API operation to configure the critical analyzer

In  messaging
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QE Contacts

Jan Kasik <jkasik@redhat.com>

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  • [X] Engineering

  • QE

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The critical-analyzer feature can shutdown the broker under certain circumstances and there is no way of turning it off. The critical-analyzer should thus be configurable from WildFly Management API which should expose the following parameters: * enable/disable the critical-analyzer * the critical-analyzer policy (HALT,SHUTDOWN,LOG) * the critical-analyzer timeout * the critical-analyzer check period

Hard Requirements

Create the attributes to be able to configure the Artemis broker.

Nice-to-Have Requirements




Implementation Plan

  • Add an optional BOOLEAN critical-analyzer-enabled attribute, to enable / disable the critical-analyzer, with a default value set to true.

  • Add a positive LONG critical-analyzer-check-period attribute, with a default value set to 0 in milliseconds. If the value is set to 0 then critical-analyzer-timeout /2 will be used instead.

  • Add a positive LONG critical-analyzer-timeout attribute, with a default value set to 120000 in milliseconds.

  • Add a STRING critical-analyzer-policy attribute with a value in the list LOG, SHUTDOWN, HALT, with a default value set to LOG.

Those attributes will be grouped in the critical-analyzer attribute group for the /subsystem=messaging-activemq/server resource.

Test Plan

The tests will check that setting the attribute values and reloading will return the new values and that the server will start properly.

Community Documentation

The feature will be documented in WildFly Admin Guide (in the Messaging Configuration section).

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