[] Allow to dump Artemis journal to file using WildfFly Management API
For debugging and investigation purposes it would useful to have a WildFly management API operation which would dump content of Artemis journal directory. This new operation would print content of journal to a file. It would take advantage of Artemis data tools print command.
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The new operation 'data-print' will added to the /subsystem=messaging-activemq/server resource. It will print a report about journal records and summary of existent records, as well a report on paging. This operation shouldn’t be executed against a running broker.
Hard Requirements
Provide a new 'data-print' operation that will return a stream (that can be saved to a file) with the following parameters: * secret a Boolean parameter with a default value of 'false' to print the data structure without showing the your data.
Nice-to-Have Requirements
Add an `archive` Boolean parameter to return a zip of the journal dump instead of the plain text report to reduce network usage.
This operation will only work on the embedded borker and is not by any mean a way to get data from another Artemis installation (standalone or embeded) using the configuration of the broker it is run against. Support for JDBC journal is not a requirement as there is no JDBC connection available on admin-mode.
Implementation Plan
Provide a new RuntimeOnlyHandler that will execute only in admin-mode
. It will work in the 'same' way as the org.wildfly.extension.messaging.activemq.ExportJournalOperation
to invoke the Artemis command: ` org.apache.activemq.artemis.cli.commands.tools.PrintData`.
It will reuse the configuration from the embedded broker to find the bindings
, messages
and paging
CLI to read the report:
attachment display --operation=/subsystem=messaging-activemq/server=default:print-data()
CLI to download a zipped version of the report:
attachment save --file=/home/ehsavoie/tmp/test.zip --operation=/subsystem=messaging-activemq/server=default:print-data(archive=true)
Test Plan
Create a simple test class org.jboss.as.test.integration.messaging.mgmt.PrintDataTestCase
with two test :
send a message to a queue,
restart in admin-mode
dump the journal
check that it displays the queue, the correct number of total messages and the correct number of message in the queue.
send a message to a queue
restart in admin-mode
dump the journal in secret mode
check that it displays the correct number of total messages and the correct number of message in the queue but doesn’t display the queue infos.
Community Documentation
The feature will be documented in WildFly Admin Guide (in the Messaging Configuration section).
Release Note Content
Adding an operation to be able to get a dump of the embedded Artemis journal for investigation purpose.