[]  Support Messaging JDBC HA Shared Store

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Artemis has added support for HA in its JDBC store in ARTEMIS-1447 that has been backported to Artemis 1.5.5.jbossorg-012. The Artemis feature is described in this document analysis.

This proposal deals with the messaging-activemq subsystem. It must update its management model to allow users to configure Artemis High Availability with its JDBC Store.

Issue Metadata


  • ARTEMIS-1447 - JDBC NodeManager to support JDBC HA Shared Store

  • WFLY-10424 - Upgrade ActiveMQ Artemis to 1.5.5.jbossorg-012

  • WFLY-10580 - the SQLProvider implementation provided by WildFly has been donated to Artemis and is present in Artemis 1.5.5.jbossorg-012. The messaging-activemq can now use it from Artemis codebase and removes its own implementation to reduce code duplication and bug fixes.

Dev Contacts

QE Contacts

Affected Projects or Components

  • Artemis 1.5.5.jbossorg-012 contains the code to configure Artemis JDBC Store for HA. This feature does not need any Artemis upgrade as Artemis 1.5.5.jbossorg-012 is already integrated in WildFly.

Other Interested Projects


  • Artemis HA JDBC Store can be configured in the messaging-activemq subsystem.

  • For backwards compatibility, Artemis-specific system properties must be taken into account when determining the configuration values.

Implementation Plan

The following attributes will be added to the server resource in the messaging-activemq subsystem:

  • journal-jdbc-lock-expiration

  • journal-jdbc-lock-renew-period

  • journal-node-manager-store-table

They will be regular management attributes with a special behaviour to take into account the presence of Artemis-specific system properties, respectively:

  • brokerconfig.storeConfiguration.jdbcLockExpirationMillis

  • brokerconfig.storeConfiguration.jdbcLockRenewPeriodMillis

  • brokerconfig.storeConfiguration.nodeManagerStoreTableName

The algorithm to determine the value of the property is the following:

  1. If the attribute is defined in WildFly management model, use its value

  2. Else if the Artemis-specific System property is defined, use its value

  3. Else, use the attribute default value

Test Plan

  • The actual testing of Artemis HA JDBC Store is handled by Artemis QE.

  • WildFly QE will focus on testing that the correct values is used by Artemis in the presence and/or absence of the management attributes and their corresponding System properties.

Community Documentation

  • The attributes will be documented in WildScribe as other management attributes.

  • There will be a note in WildFly Admin documentation for the messaging-activemq subsystem about the support of Artemis-specific System properties.