[]  Expose WildFly Metrics

In  microprofile
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The goal of this feature is to improve observability of WildFly by exposing its own metrics to monitoring tools such as Prometheus and the OpenShift Console.

This feature exposes the WildFly metrics (from the subsystem and deployment management models) to the /metrics HTTP endpoint in the Prometheus format.

Issue Metadata


  • WFLY-11529 - Expose WildFly metrics in /metrics endpoints

  • EAP7-1169 - Expose EAP subsystem Metrics

  • EAP7-1026 - EAP7-1026 Expose EAP Metrics so that it can be consumed by Kiali (Istio) Console

    • in this feature, base metrics (e.g. JVM) and application metrics (from MicroProfile Metrics API) were exposed but there were none coming from WildFly subsystems and deployments

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Other Interested Projects

  • Prometheus MUST be able to consume and aggregate WildFly metrics.


  • Expose WildFly metrics from subsystem and deployment management model to the /metrics HTTP endpoint in the Prometheus format.

  • Provide mechanism to be compatible with the WildFly metrics exposed by EAP images in OpenShift (that uses Prometheus JMX exporter as configured in jmx-exporter-config.yaml)

    • compatibility means that the metric names and labels should be identical (or, if identity is not achievable, similar).

  • The management HTTP interface must be accessible by the HTTP clients querying the metrics. By default, the management HTTP interface is bound to If HTTP clients are not on the same host, they will not be able to query the metrics. The management HTTP interface can be bound to to ensure it is accessible from other host. Note that this exposes not only the /metrics HTTP endpoint but other endpoints such as /health, /management.


  • WildFly metrics are NOT exposed to the /metrics HTTP endpoint in the JSON format.

  • WildFly metrics are NOT exposed to other metrics HTTP endpoints (such as /metrics/vendor).

Internal requirements

WildFly management model has a notion of metrics for resource attributes (as described in WildFly Admin Guide). This feature expose these metrics from WildFly management model, such as:

To be exposed, a WildFly metric must satisfy the following requirements:

  • it must have been registered as a metric (its AccessType is METRIC and its Storage is RUNTIME)

  • its ModelType MUST be a single numerical value

  • its :read-attribute operation MUST return an actual numerical value (metrics that returns undefined are not exposed)

The :read-attribute operation is called internally with include-undefined-metric set to true (as explained in WFCORE-4190)

Subsystem description

This feature adds 2 attributes to the microprofile-metrics-smallrye subsystem resource:

  • exposed-subsystems - a list of strings corresponding the name of subsystems that exposes their metrics in the HTTP endpoints.

    • By default, this attribute is not defined (so there is no metrics from subsystems that are exposed). The special character * can be used to specify that all subsystems will expose their metrics.

  • prefix - A string to prepend to WildFly metrics that are exposed by the HTTP endpoint /metrics with the Prometheus output format.

    • By default, this attribute is not defined. However standalone configuration that provides the subsystem will provide the ${wildfly.metrics.prefix:wildfly} value so that metric names will be prepended by wildfly_ (and the user can overrides it by providing the wildfly.metrics.prefix system property).

  • the exposed-subsystems was already present in the subsystem but it had no impact since the WildFly metrics from subsystems were disabled in WFLY-11399 after it was found out that the first implementation would not allow aggregation of these metrics. With this feature, the exposed-subsystems will be relevant again.

Having a subsystem be mentioned in exposed-subsystems might not be sufficient to expose its metrics. Some subsystems (such as undertow and messaging-activemq) do not enable their metrics/statistics by default (as it has some memory/performance impact). These metrics provides a statistics-enabled attribute to enable their metrics. If this attribute value is false, their metrics will not be exposed even if there are listed in exposed-subsystems. The standalone profiles distributed with WildFly provides expressions to be able to enable such metrics when the server is started (as explained in WFLY-11471).

Metric name and labels

The name of a WildFly metric is based on the subsystem that provides it as well as the name of the attribute from the management model. The name can also be prepended with a prefix (specified on the /subsystem=microprofile-metrics resource). The name can also be appended with the _total suffix if it corresponds to a Counter metrics (as explained in WFCORE-4238) Other information are stored using labels.

For example Undertow exposes a metric attribute request-count (which is a counter) for every Servlet in an application deployment. This attribute will be exposed to Prometheus with the name wildfly_undertow_request_count_total. Other information such as the name of the Servlet are added to the labels of the metric.

The helloworld-rs quickstart creates a JAX-RS application that can be deployed in WildFly. A corresponding metric will be exposed for it with the name and labels:


For deployment metrics (as above), if the metric belongs to a deployment, the subdeployment label is also added (with the deployment label value) in order to facilitate aggregation of data by Prometheus.

The example below returns 3 counters for Undertow servlet request count: * for the HTTP and HTTPS listeners in the undertow subsystem * for one servlet from the helloworld-rs quickstart deployment:

$ curl -v | grep wildfly_undertow_request_count_total
# HELP wildfly_undertow_request_count_total The number of requests this listener has served
# TYPE wildfly_undertow_request_count counter
wildfly_undertow_request_count_total{server="default-server",http_listener="default",} 8.0
wildfly_undertow_request_count_total{server="default-server",https_listener="https",} 0.0
wildfly_undertow_request_count_total{deployment="helloworld-rs.war",servlet="org.jboss.as.quickstarts.rshelloworld.JAXActivator",subdeployment="helloworld-rs.war",} 6.0
Implementation Issues
Complex WildFly Metrics Are Not Supported

Resources may return arbitrarily complex return types for metrics. The registration code in microprofile-smallrye-metrics will only register WildFly metrics for simple numerical ModelType.

Management Resources Added After Server Boot Will Not Expose Their Metrics

The microprofile-smallrye-metrics extension will register any valid metric from WildFly Management Model when it is installed. However if other management resources are added afterwards, the extension will not be aware of them and will not register their metrics. Note that this does not apply to deployments which are handled separately in the extension Deployment Unit Processor.

MicroProfile Metrics 1.x Limitation

It was planned for EAP7-1026 to provide WildFly metrics through MicroProfile Metrics in the scope vendor. However during development, we found out a blocker limitation from MicroProfile Metrics 1.x that does not allow to register multiple metrics with the same metrics name and different labels. This makes it impossible to provide sensible metrics that can be aggregated by Prometheus. We decided to remove WildFly metrics from the MicroProfile Metrics API and provides them only in Prometheus format with this RFE.

MicroProfile Metrics 2.x that is currently in development is supposed to fix this limitation. We may provide WildFly metrics in the MicroProfile metrics vendor scope if this version if we can provide compatibility with the naming scheme supported by this feature. Note that such upgrade is not planned at the moment and not required to fullfill this feature.

Test Plan

The WildFly testsuite will be enhanced to ensure that metrics from WildFly subsystem and deployment are exposed in the /metrics HTTP endpoint in the Prometheus format.

Community Documentation

The feature will be documented in WildFly Admin Guide (in the MicroProfile Metrics section).