[]  Integrate MicroProfile OpenAPI 1.1

In  microprofile
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This enhancement proposes to add support for Eclipse MicroProfile OpenAPI 1.1 to WildFly by integrating the implementation from SmallRye. This spec provides a unified Java API for producing documentation that complies with the OpenAPI v3 specification.

An MicroProfile OpenAPI subsystem exposes an HTTP GET /openapi endpoint that returns an OpenAPI v3 compliant document (in YAML or JSON format) containing documentation of the RESTful services of an application.

Issue Metadata

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Testing By

[ ] Engineering

[X] QE

Affected Projects or Components

The SmallRye implementation of the MicroProfile OpenAPI specification is already integrated by the following projects:

These integrations will heavily inform, though not dictate, the corresponding integration into WildFly.

Other Interested Projects


Hard Requirements

  • Create an MicroProfile OpenAPI galleon layer containing the MP Open API feature encapsulated by a new MicroProfile OpenAPI subsystem.

    • Should depend on MicroProfile Config and JAX-RS (and their dependencies)

    • N.B. New modules to be included in WF:

      • MicroProfile OpenAPI subsystem module

      • io.smallrye:smallrye-open-api

      • org.eclipse.microprofile.openapi:microprofile-openapi-api

      • com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-yaml

    • Subsystem will be included in the default standalone-openshift.xml feature pack.

  • The microprofile-openapi spec module must be exposed to web deployments

  • The /openapi endpoint shall be registered relative to the root of the virtual host associated with the deployment.

    • N.B. The /openapi endpoint is intended for a public interface, not a management interface, as with the /health and /metrics endpoints.

    • This places a superficial constraint of a single application per host (see subsequent section re: multiple deployments)

    • In the event a web deployment uses a given host for which another deployment has already registered an /openapi endpoint, we will:

      1. Log a warning.

      2. Skip OpenAPI model generation for that deployment.

  • All WildFly/SmallRye specific configuration will be obtained via MicroProfile Config using the properties prefixed with mp.openapi.extensions.

    • Consequently, the microprofile-openapi subsystem should have an empty management model.

  • Support YAML and JSON for both input (static/pre-generated OpenAPI document) and output formats.

  • MicroProfile OpenAPI TCK must pass

Nice-to-Have Requirements

  • Optional features of the specification:

    • Multiple deployments:

      • If a container allows multiple deployments, the specification expects the /openapi endpoint to return the logical union of the documented services for all applications in the runtime. See: https://download.eclipse.org/microprofile/microprofile-open-api-1.1.2/microprofile-openapi-spec.html#_multiple_applications

        • Initially, we will limit multiple deployment support to a single deployment per host (for a given endpoint). i.e. each deployment, for which the OpenAPI endpoint is enabled, must either use a distinct host, or a distinct endpoint path (if a given virtual host is associated with multiple deployments).

        • Merging (and more interestingly, unmerging on undeploy) OpenAPI models for all applications deployed to a given host.

          • Consider for a future enhancement

    • HTTPS transport for the /openapi endpoint.

      • If the server/host of a given application defines an HTTPS listener, we will allow it, but not require it.

      • Additionally, if the Undertow server/host associated with the application does not define an HTTP endpoint (as required by the spec), we should log a WARN message.

    • The MicroProfile OpenAPI specification suggests, but does not require, the use of a format=JSON or format=YAML parameter for the /openapi endpoint, used to define content type of the resulting document, in lieu of an Accept header.

  • Use a mp.openapi.extensions.enabled property to disable OpenAPI documentation globally (via mp-config subsystem) or per-application (e.g. /META-INF/mp-config.properties).

    • Provides a parameterizable means of disabling OpenAPI documentation in specific environments (e.g. prod vs dev)

    • Provides a mechanism to control which application associated with a given virtual host should generate an MicroProfile OpenAPI model.

  • Use a mp.openapi.extensions.path property to customize the path of the OpenAPI endpoint.

    • Provides a means for generating OpenAPI documentation for multiple applications associated with the same virtual host.

    • Potentially useful to support legacy OpenAPI tooling (e.g. /swagger)

    • Analogous to the quarkus.smallrye-openapi.path property in Quarkus.

  • Use a mp.openapi.extensions.servers.relative property to configure whether auto-generated Server records should be absolute or relative. At a minimum, Server records are necessary to ensure, in the presence of a non-root context path, that consumers of an OpenAPI can construct valid URLs to REST services relative to the host of the OpenAPI endpoint. See: https://download.eclipse.org/microprofile/microprofile-open-api-1.1.2/microprofile-openapi-spec.html#_context_root_behavior

    • When relative (i.e. true), the generated record will contain the context path of the deployment

    • When absolute (i.e. false), generated records will include all hosts/ports at which the given deployment is accessible.

  • Allow optional authentication/authorization constraints for the /openapi endpoint.

    • Consider for a future enhancement

  • Add an optional endpoint for browsing OpenAPI documentation via SwaggerUI (e.g. https://quarkus.io/guides/openapi-swaggerui-guide).

    • Consider for a future enhancement


Test Plan

  • Basic subsystem unit tests

  • Add the microprofile-tck tests to the MicroProfile TCK testsuite in WildFly.

  • Integration tests should cover vendor specific behavior, not covered by the TCK tests, including:

    • Ensuring that services deployed using a non-root context path are documented with the correct server elements.

    • Any multi-deployment or multi-module deployment behavior, e.g. mp.openapi.extensions.enabled

    • Alternate OpenAPI endpoint registration according to mp.openapi.extensions.path

    • Fetching JSON vs YAML documentation via format parameter

    • Loading JSON vs YAML static OpenAPI documentation

Community Documentation

  • Document how to add the microprofile-openapi subsystem to WildFly

  • Document any WildFly specific mp.openapi.extensions.* configuration.

  • Summarize how a user would:

    • Provide a custom bootstrap of the OpenApiDocument model

    • Contribute to the OpenApiDocument model via OpenAPI annotations.

    • Register an OASFilter.

  • Add quickstart application to WildFly quickstarts.

Release Note Content

Add support for standardized documentation of RESTful web services via the MicroProfile OpenAPI 1.1 specification.