[] Quickstart for MP Health 2.2
This RFE provides a new quickstart and guide for
MicroProfile Health 2.2 use in WildFly /
JBoss EAP. The example will cover all basic functionalities of MicroProfile Health 2.2,
namely: liveness and readiness checks, the basic usage of the HealthCheckResponseBuilder
and the inclusion of user specific data in the health check responses.
Issue Metadata
Related Issues
EAP7-1368 (internal)
Dev Contacts
QE Contacts
Testing By
[x] Engineering
[ ] QE
Affected Projects or Components
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Hard Requirements
include liveness health check
include readiness health check
include positive health check response
include negative health check response
include health check response with user specific data
usage of the
as a concrete class (introduced in Health 2.2)
Test Plan
The quickstart will have Arquillian tests verifying the response codes from the /health/* endpoints as well as the returned JSON objects. The endpoint will be invoked through the JAX-RS client (resteasy-client test dependency).
Community Documentation
Covered by the quickstart README file in https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.