[]  Create quickstart for MicroProfile Fault Tolerance

In  microprofile quickstarts
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The goal is to add a new Quickstart demonstrating how to make use of Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance within the WildFly application server. The goal is to adapt existing quickstart from Quarkus. There is no container-specific integration in place, thus this quickstart will be kept minimal.

Issue Metadata

Dev Contacts

QE Contacts

Testing By

  • Engineering

  • QE

Affected Projects or Components

  • quickstarts

Other Interested Projects



Hard Requirements

  • New microprofile-fault-tolerance quickstart is created in the WildFly quickstarts repository demonstrating selected topics from MicroProfile Fault tolerance specification in similar fashion as existing quickstarts. Covered topics include Retries, Timeouts, Fallbacks, and Circuit Breaker.

  • Quickstart code is complete in the repository and can be compiled and deployed to the server.

Nice-to-Have Requirements

  • Add a test for some of the quickstart classes so we can detect problems in the quickstart quickly.


  • It’s not a goal to fully explain the specification and all of its use case. The intention is to get users started quickly and get them to start thinking about resiliency.

Test Plan

QE will verify that the quickstart can be followed to get a working result along the way. An automated test might be employed to deploy the quickstart and service a couple of Rest calls mentioned in the document.

Community Documentation

No community documentation is required as each quickstart contains it’s own relevant documentation.

Release Note Content

A new Quickstart has been added demonstrating how to make use of Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance within the WildFly application server.