[] Quickstart for MP Metrics 2.3
This RFE provides a new quickstart and guide for MicroProfile Metrics 2.3 use in WildFly / JBoss EAP. The example will cover all basic functionalities of MicroProfile Metrics 2.3, namely: usage of individual application metrics (annotations) and accessing the metrics through the management web interface.
Issue Metadata
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Dev Contacts
QE Contacts
Simon Priadka spriadka@redhat.com
Testing By
[x] Engineering
[ ] QE
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Hard Requirements
usage of application metrics: @Counted, @Gauge, @Timed, @Metric, @Metered
different scopes of metrics: base, vendor, application
if possible, also include an extended example with running Prometheus and Grafana on local computer
Test Plan
The quickstart will have Arquillian tests verifying the response codes from the /metrics endpoints as well as the returned JSON objects. The endpoint will be invoked through the JAX-RS client (resteasy-client test dependency).
Community Documentation
Covered by the quickstart README file in https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.