[]  Upgrade MicroProfile Config to 1.4

In  microprofile
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MicroProfile 3.3 provides a minor upgrade for MicroProfile Config 1.4 with changes described in its Release Notes.

This component upgrade also covers the upgrade of smallrye-config that implements MicroProfile Config 1.4.

Issue Metadata


Dev Contacts

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Testing By

[X] QE


  • Upgrade MicroProfile Config to 1.4

  • Upgrade smallrye-config to the release that implements MicroProfile Config 1.4

  • Run any MicroProfile Health test in WildFly integration test suite

  • Run the Eclipse MicroProfile Health TCK without failures


Implementation Plan

Test Plan

This minor upgrade does not introduce any changes that requires new tests in WildFly.

The main changes (#383, #404 and #386) are tested by the MicroProfile Config TCK.

  • Run the WildFly integration basic test suite and checks there are no failures related to MicroProfle Config tests.

  • Run the microprofile-tck/config module from WildFly integration test suite and checks that there are no failures.

  • Some tests that relates to the inconsistent behaviour for empty/missing config property (#446) are excluded as smallrye-config implementation does not pass the TCK tests that are challenged by this issue.

Community Documentation

  • No community documentation is required for this upgrade