[] Microprofile BOM
The development of a new Microprofile BOM, providing an easy way to manage Maven dependencies to the Microprofile artifacts used by WildFly/EAP, necessary to build and debug/test Microprofile apps.
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Testing By
[x] Engineering
[ ] QE
Affected Projects or Components
BOMs, Quickstarts
Other Interested Projects
Hard Requirements
A BOM Builder should be added to a new microprofile directory in the WildFly/EAP BOMs project, to build the Microprofile BOM using the WildFly BOM Builder Maven plugin.
The Microprofile BOM’s Maven coordinate groupId should be the same as existent non clients BOMs.
The Microprofile BOM’s Maven coordinate artifactId should be wildfly-microprofile for WildFly, and jboss-eap-xp-microprofile for EAP.
The Microprofile BOM should only include the Microprofile artifacts managed by WildFly/EAP, and any other WildFly/EAP managed artifact, which the Microprofile artifacts depends on.
Nice-to-Have Requirements
Test Plan
It should be tested that the Microprofile BOM is included in every WildFly/EAP build, and manages only the expected artifacts.
Community Documentation