[]  Upgrade to support MicroProfile JWT 1.2

In  microprofile
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The MicroProfile JWT 1.2 release is only a minor upgrade upgrading from MicroProfile 1.1 with small enhancements to APIs and supported configuration options.

The full list of changes in this release can be found at: * https://github.com/eclipse/microprofile-jwt-auth/releases/tag/1.2

Without duplicating the list from the specification release notes, each of the updates to the specification are implemented by the SmallRye JWT project - for this reason it is anticipated this enhancement will be delivered as a set of component upgrades.

Issue Metadata


Dev Contacts

QE Contacts

Testing By

  • Engineering

  • QE

Affected Projects or Components

The component upgrades can be applied exclusively to the WildFly project.

Other Interested Projects

The implementation for MicroProfile JWT 1.2 is contained within the SmallRye JWT project.

The WildFly Elytron project contains dependencies on both MicroProfile and SmallRye JWT. However this update should not require code changes to WildFly Elytron.


Hard Requirements

The following Maven artifact dependencies in WildFly will be updated to switch to MicroProfile JWT 1.2: * org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt:microprofile-jwt-auth-api * org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt:microprofile-jwt-auth-tck * io.smallrye:smallrye-jwt

Where each of these projects utilises additional dependencies this RFE will review the required dependencies and update WildFly accordingly.

Similar component upgrades will also be applied to the WildFly Elytron project, however code changes are not expected there in relation to the upgrades.

The TCK component upgrade will also require a review of the configuration of the TCK to verify the correct set of tests are executed.

The SmallRye JWT project also intends to split the EE Security authentication mechanism into it’s own artifact, once this is available our dependencies and integration within the subsystem will be updated to make use of the new artifact in addition to the current dependencies. This new artifact is being delivered by the SmallRye JWT project so can be ignored as a new dependency to the application server.

After the relevant component upgrades are in place WildFly will be required to pass the MicroProfile JWT 1.2 TCK.

Nice-to-Have Requirements

None, this RFE will not be undertaking enhancements beyond the upgrade to support MicroProfile JWT 1.2.


No further enhancements to our MicroProfile JWT integration will be undertaken as part of this RFE.

Test Plan

This RFE will be bringing in the updated MicroProfile JWT 1.2 API and TCK, as we are not changing how we support MicroProfile JWT within WildFly no further test changes will be required other than running the appropriate version of the TCK within our testsuite.

Community Documentation

No community documentation is required as the exact version supported is not specified in the documentation and the overall behaviour of MicroProfile JWT integration remains the same with this upgrade.

Release Note Content

The version of MicroProfile JWT supported has been upgraded to version 1.2, for further information see https://github.com/eclipse/microprofile-jwt-auth/releases/tag/1.2.