[]  Quickstart for MicroProfile Reactive Messaging 1.0 with Kafka

In  microprofile
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This RFE provides a new quickstart and guide for MicroProfile Reactive Messaging 1.0 use in WildFly / JBoss EAP. The example will cover basic functionalities of MicroProfile Reactive Messaging 1.0. In addition to in-memory streams, streams backed by Apache Kafka will be used. Docker will be used to provide the Kafka functionality on bare metal. In OpenShift, Kafka will be provided via the AMQ Streams operator.

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[ ] Engineering

[x] QE

Affected Projects or Components

  • Quickstarts

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Hard Requirements

  • start a Kafka instance

    • On bare metal this will be done via Docker (more specifically docker-compose since we need to start a Zookeeper instance in addition to the Kafka instance)

    • On OpenShift we will leverage the AMQ Streams

  • Kafka connection configuration via MP Config

  • Using @Incoming and @Outgoing annotations on methods to map the streams.

    • Showcase some alternative method signatures for these methods

  • Use Reactive Streams Operators to modify streams


Test Plan

The QuickStart will have Arquillian tests to test the bare metal case.

Community Documentation

Covered by the quickstart README file.