[] Quickstart for MicroProfile LRA 2.0
This RFE provides a new quickstart and guide for MicroProfile LRA 2.0 use in WildFly / JBoss EAP. The example will cover all basic functionalities of MicroProfile LRA 2.0, namely: The starting and ending of LRA, enlistment in the LRA, and the LRA propagation between different services.
Issue Metadata
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Testing By
[x] Engineering
[ ] QE
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Relevant Installation Types
Traditional standalone server (unzipped or provisioned by Galleon)
[] Managed domain
OpenShift s2i
Bootable jar
Hard Requirements
Starting an LRA
Closing an LRA successfully
Canceling an LRA on failure
Definition of compensation and completion callbacks
Propagation of LRA between different JAX-RS resources
Consuming LRA ID and recovery ID headers
Test Plan
The quickstart will have integration tests verifying the returned values throught the REST API exposed by the quickstart. The endpoints will be invoked through the JAX-RS client (resteasy-client test dependency).
Community Documentation
Covered by the quickstart README file.