[] Example CLI script to evolve standalone configurations with microprofile
We are proposing here to define a new script in docs/examples/enable-microprofile.cli The script is an “example” script to be applied on default standalone configurations.
Issue Metadata
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Testing By
[ ] Engineering
[ ] QE
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Hard Requirements
The script is packaged in the galleon-pack maven module. It is a default package installed when WildFly is installed.
Installation path is <JBOSS_HOME>/docs/examples/enable-microprofile.cli.
To launch the script: bin/jboss-cli.sh --file=docs/examples/enable-microprofile.cli
When run, the script updates a given standalone configuration. By default it applies to standalone.xml. Use -Dconfig=<standalone-full.xml|standalone-ha.xml|standalone-full-ha.xml> to select another standalone configuration.
The script informs the user with high level information on the modifications it applies to the configuration it is updating.
The script is expected to adapt to the differences that exist between various standalone configurations.
The script detects that a microprofile subsystem is already present in the config and skips it.
The script secures the configuration using elytron security domain ApplicationDomain, http-authentication-factory and sasl-authentication-factory for items present in default configurations:
access=identity security-domain=ManagementDomain
management-interface=http-interface http-upgrade.sasl-authentication-factory=management-sasl-authentication
management-interface=http-interface http-authentication-factory=management-http-authentication
http-remoting-connector sasl-authentication-factory=application-sasl-authentication
application-security-domain=other security-domain=ApplicationDomain
ejb3/application-security-domain=other security-domain=ApplicationDomain
batch-jberet security-domain=ApplicationDomain
messaging-activemq/server=default elytron-domain=ApplicationDomain (full only)
The script remove the security subsystem
The script remove the management ManagementRealm. NB: the script doesn’t touch the ApplicationRealm (used by http-invoker).
Add Microprofile subsystems and extensions (only if the subsystem doesn’t already exist)
The script fails if any of its operations can’t be successfully applied (JBOSS CLI behavior).
Nice-to-Have Requirements
The script is not supposed to be applied on top of custom standalone configurations.
The script doesn’t support domain/host configurations.
Future Works
Introduce an http-authentication-factory to be used by the http-invoker.
<http-authentication-factory name="application-http-authentication" http-server-mechanism-factory="global" security-domain="ApplicationDomain">
<mechanism mechanism-name="BASIC">
<mechanism-realm realm-name="Application Realm"/>
Reduce the ApplicationRealm to only offer support for SSL.
Test Plan
New tests to validate that the script can be applied to 4 standalone configurations: standalone.xml, standalone.ha.xml,standalone-full.xml,standalone-full-ha.xml
New test to validate that the script fails if applied twice.
Evolve testsuite/microprofile tests with an execution based on patched standalone.xml
Community Documentation
Document how to apply the script to standalone configurations.
Release Notes Content
New example CLI script to evolve standalone configurations to use microprofile subsystems.