[] Support 'microprofile-platform' Galleon layer in S2i workflow
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Use 'microprofile-platform' Galleon layer decorator during S2I
During S2I build operated from an XP 2.0 builder image, a user can reference the layer 'microprofile-platform' in GALLEON_PROVISION_LAYERS environment variable. It is usable with any base Galleon layer: 'datasources-web-server', 'jaxrs-server' and 'cloud server'
Nice-to-Have Requirements
Implementation Plan
No implementation required. We need to document and test this Galleon layer in the XP 2.0 S2I context.
Test Plan
Behave test added to repository https://github.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-7-openshift-image. Test that we can provision all base layers with 'microprofile-platform'.
XP 2.0 Quickstarts to be tested on openshift with the combination: 'jaxrs-server' + 'microprofile-platform'
Community Documentation
The WildFly s2i documentation will mention this Galleon layer.
Release Note Content
'microprofile-platform' is a new Galleon decorator layer to provision Eclipse Microprofile subsystems that you can use during S2I build using the GALLEON_PROVISON_LAYERS environment variable.