[]  Obfuscate session-route

In  undertow
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This feature is to be able to obfuscate the value of UndertowService.instanceId when routing. Routes are used as part of generated session ids when a remote invocation (such as EJB, naming or serving a wildfly-services address) is handled by HTTP Invoker. This data is sent across connections as part of the request and response JSESSION_ID cookie. EAP6 Web Server would similarly allow obfuscation of instance-id at routing by allowing a generated UUID to be used as the instance-id. This UUID was the default value used whenever instance-id configuration was absent. But in EAP7, Undertow default value for instance-id is ${jboss.node.name}. Some users would like to have a way of obfuscating the instance-id value in the route.

Issue Metadata


Dev Contacts

QE Contacts

Testing By

  • Engineering

  • QE

Affected Projects or Components

WildFly, Undertow component

Other Interested Projects

WildFly clustering


This will be implemented as an additional attribute under the subsystem=undertow management model address.

This will be a simple boolean attribute called obfuscate-session-route that indicates that instance-id value must be obfuscated when used at the server route.

Hard Requirements

The route must not change across server restarts when obfuscate-session-route value is true, unless there is a change in the values the route is derived from:

  • the route equals instance-id attribute value, defined at subsystem=undertow management model address

  • instance-id default value is "${jboss.node.name}", meaning that, when the attribute is kept unchanged, changes to ${jboss.node.name} accross restarts will result in changes to the route

  • the server name: the server that is serving the request and, hence, providing the obfuscated route, uses its name attribute value as a salt for the hash that obfuscates the route (see Nice-to-Have Requirements below). So, if the name is changed across restarts, this will result in a change in the obfuscated route value

Nice-to-Have Requirements

It is ideal to make it hard to find out the instance-id value via reverse engineering of the value used in route. For that, we are going to use the server name as a salt when generating the obfuscated instance-id bytes.


Test Plan

A few test cases will be submitted to verify the requirements. We need to verify that the instance-id of Undertow subsystem is obfuscated on routing when obfuscate-session-route is true, and that the route does not change across server restarts.

Also, every functionality that relies on the session route must work as expected when the session route is obfuscated. In this regard, tests for the following features will be incremented to cover for the obfuscate-session-route="true" scenario:

  • EJB remote invocations via HTTP invoker

  • session management CLI operations

  • mod cluster load balancing

The last item, mod cluster load balancing, is currently tested in QE mod cluster tests and is not part of the WildFly testsuite. Those tests will be updated in their current repository and will not added to WildFly testsuite.

Community Documentation

Update the WildFly documentation to document the new attribute.