WildFly Project News

WildFly 27 Final is released!

It gives me tremendous pleasure to announce that the new WildFly and WildFly Preview 27.0.0.Final releases are available for download at https://wildfly.org/downloads. Jakarta EE 10 Support For sure the biggest new thing in WildFly 27 is support for Jakarta EE 10. WildFly 27 is a compatible implementation of the EE 10 Platform as well as the Web Profile and the new Core Profile. WildFly is EE 10 compatible when running on both Java SE 11...

What's new for WildFly 27 in the cloud.

WildFly S2I (Source To Image) images In April we announced the new WildFly architecture for the cloud. I strongly encourage you to read that post to get familiar with this new architecture. We have discontinued the release of WildFly s2i centos7 based images starting WildFly 26.1.2. For new features and bug fixes, we are now only releasing UBI8 based JDK11/JDK17 s2i builder and runtime images along with the Galleon wildfly-cloud-galleon-pack. The latest artifacts that form...

Grace Hopper Celebration Recap

A recap of the 2022 Grace Hopper Celebration.

Open Source Day 2022 Recap

A recap of the GHC22 Open Source Day.

Hacktoberfest Has Started

All the details on how to get started, pick an issue to work on, and submit your first PR.

WildFly 27 Beta1 is released!

I’m pleased to announce that the new WildFly and WildFly Preview 27.0.0.Beta1 releases are available for download at https://wildfly.org/downloads. New and Notable As I noted in my last post, the key new thing in WildFly 27 is compatibility with the recently released Jakarta EE 10. Thanks so much to all the great WildFly contributors who worked so hard on our EE 10 journey! Besides Jakarta EE 10 support, here are some of the other new...

Jakarta EE 10 is released; WildFly is compatible!

Congratulations to everyone involved with Jakarta EE for today’s announced general availability of Jakarta EE 10! It’s great to see continued advances in Jakarta EE, particularly Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.0 with the new CDI Lite, along with the new Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile. I’m particularly happy to announce that our hard work in the WildFly community on EE 10 is paying off. Last week we released WildFly 27.0.0.Alpha5, and this week compatibility...

FAQ for New Contributors

Answers to frequently asked questions from new contributors.

Remote dev-watch development with WildFly Jar Maven Plugin

Bootable JAR Maven plugin 8.0.0.Alpha2 brings in a new way to make remote development easier.

Bearer Token Support for the Elytron OIDC Client Subsystem

An overview of how to secure an application with Bearer Token Authentication when using the Elytron OIDC Client subsystem.